Forget and Move on

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Scarlett's POV

After picking up my daughter from her dad's place, I dropped her off at my home with her nanny. I wanted to go see Anastasia and tell her everything. I can't tolerate her being treated like that and for her to not know why, she deserves to know. I was sitting inside my car in front of my home, I checked my messages looking for Lizzie's and I's conversation and opened the location to Tia's address. Lizzie had also texted saying that she was already there with her. Before driving there, I hesitated thinking about wether calling Ekaterina would be the right move or not, I didn't want to overstep but I didn't know how to handle the situation. After a minute or two I decided to call, hoping for her to pick up with the time difference we had... the phone rang once, then again, and again, after the fourth rang I heard a voice.

Екатерина Орлова на
связи. (Ekaterina Orlova

She said speaking Russian, probably unaware of who had called her.

Ekaterina? It's Scarlett.

I know, darling. What
is it? Is everything okay?

Anastasia and her have the exact same reaction every time you call unannounced. I swear those two are like a mirror, so similar.

Yes, I mean, not really.

Is Anastasia okay? Is she

No, no, she isn't hurt.

But she's not okay?

I am not sure... I don't know
if you're aware of the fact that
she's in L.A. right now.

Yes I am, darling. I'm sorry
I don't want to sound rude
but I don't like beating around
the bush. What is it?

Right, sorry. She came by the
studio today to surprise Liz and
I but there was an incident.

так? (yes?).

She punched someone... a friend
of mine. Chris, don't know if you
remember him.

Yes, of course I remember him.
He was more than happy
to blame what happened
that night on Anastasia.

Right, well, yeah, he said
some things and one thing
got to another one and she
punched him. She seemed
quite pissed, I've never seen
her like that. I just thought
I'd let you know since you told
us to keep you posted.

Yes, thank you Scarlett.
Did she actually beat him up?
Or was it one clean punch?

Just one, but she seemed
so out of it.

Did it scare you? To see
her like that?

I hadn't given it much thought but it did scare me a bit. Coming out of an abusive relationship, it crossed my mind... what if she hurt me too? But I know it's just my overthinking, she would never. Right?

I guess it took me too long to reply because Ekaterina sighed and spoke again.

You know she would never
lay a hand on you if you
didn't want it, right?

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