It's Always About Him

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Scarlett's POV

I can't believe Elizabeth has her phone number. Maybe it's for the best, if she would've wanted me to have it she would've given it to me. After the coffee shop, Lizzie and I drove to the HQ. I was excited to show her everything. The Outset is my baby, Kate and I have been working on the company for a couple of years now. We parked right in front of the building. "I'm excited, I'll finally get to see where all the magic happens" Elizabeth said while getting out of the car. "Yes! I can't wait to introduce you to everyone, specially Kate" I replied equally excited. "She's your partner in all this, right?" Lizzie asked. "Precisely".

We went inside and hopped on the elevator. When we arrived I opened the door first and turned to look and see Elizabeth's reaction. "Wow, you outdid yourself Scarlett" she said, I couldn't help but feel proud.

 "Wow, you outdid yourself Scarlett" she said, I couldn't help but feel proud

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"Thank you" was all I said smiling

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"Thank you" was all I said smiling. "Good morning boss, is there anything I can help you with? Would any of you like some water? Coffee? Tea?" Jennifer, our secretary, asked both of us. "I'll have some water, thank you" Elizabeth replied. Jennifer nodded and went to get some water for Lizzie. After that I introduced Lizzie to our staff, some were really excited since they were Marvel fans, overall, we had a really good day. I showed my friend how everything works, our new ideas and projects, and she was even participant in one of our Tik Toks for The Outset.

Kate and Lizzie got along well which made me happy. After being with me almost all morning and afternoon, Lizzie left to go and meet her sisters. She said they had called and wanted to talk to her about some personal issues. But before I asked her one last thing "Lizzie". "Yes, Scar?" She told me with the same sweet tone she always has. "I was wondering, since your sisters gave you her contact info, if you could give me Anastasia's number" I knew she would at least assume something is going on for me to ask for her number. Lizzie raised her eyebrow, crossed her arms, looked down and with a now concerned face said "How are you? How's it going with Colin?". When I heard his name, I grabbed her arm and took her to my office. Elizabeth knew about Colin's behavior but she tried to not ask much since she knew how upset it made me. She tried to help but no one can. "I'm fine, it has nothing to do with him" I said getting annoyed. The only thing I wanted was her phone number, nothing else. Why does she have to make this about Colin? It has nothing to do with him. Nothing. "Then why are you being so defensive?" The audacity she has by asking me that. "I am not being defensive". "Scarlett, I'm worried about you, I always am. I know you think there's no fixing but maybe we can try to keep looking for lawyers, get assistance, there must be something we can do" she pleaded. "THERE IS NOTHING WE CAN DO" I was gritting my teeth trying not to yell. "I just want her number, please" now it was the one begging. "Please" again, begging. I'm pathetic. "I will give it to you but...look, seems nice. My sisters have told me things about her, she sounds nice but she's a player. And we saw it for ourselves, she was flirting with both of us, at the same time. I- look I don't want you to do something you'll regret, I know you are going through something I can't even begin to imagine, but you're not a cheater Scarlett. And Anastasia, doesn't matter how good-looking or charming she portrays herself to be, she will hurt you. I'm just trying to look after you". Maybe she's right. I thought, ugh, I don't even know what I thought. We talked and there's something about her that just makes me feel better. I don't even know if I like having sex with girls. I told Lizzie I was attracted to girls not long ago, but I never had the chance to experience that because I was already with Colin. And Rose, god, what would my daughter think? That her mom is... I don't know. I put my hands on my face, covering it. I took a deep breath "I know you're just trying to look after me, and I appreciate it. She just makes me feel better, she helps me forget about my shitty life and before you say anything, I know I just met her but I can't explain it. Maybe I just want a friendship or maybe it's the fact that she's the first person that pays attention to me in a way Colin hasn't in forever, I just want to talk to her, I'll be careful, I promise" was all I could say. My friend looked me in the eyes for a few seconds and smiled briefly "Okay, here" and sent me her phone number. I just heard the notification on my phone. I have it. I hope I don't regret it now. Lizzie hugged me tightly and left.

Night time —

I found myself back home

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I found myself back home. Home. It used to be home. Colin went out with some friends and I'm here alone again, I just hope he doesn't make it back for the night. He's bad when he's drunk. I was sitting on the couch in front of the fireplace in the living room with a margarita. I had my phone on right next to me, in the screen there was Anastasia's number, ready for me to text or call. I kept staring into the nothing. I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm thinking and I, for sure, don't know what I want. But she helps me forget, she makes me feel like a teenager with some stupid crush. She makes me feel normal, ordinary.  I know that may not sound appealing for many but when you have the privilege to live the lifestyle that I have, it's nice to be reminded that you're just another person walking on this earth and not some sort of object. I sighed. I took my phone, clicked on her name and pressed message. "Hey, it's Scarlett. Johansson. Lizzie gave me your number, I hope that's okay." And before I knew it I pressed send. I hope she doesn't think I'm crazy. I'm going to need more alcohol.

I stood up, went to the kitchen and got myself another margarita. When I was walking back towards the couch I saw the screen of my phone light on.

Oh god, she replied

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Oh god, she replied. And she just called me stalker, she probably thinks I'm crazy. I sat down on the couch, left the margarita on the table and put both of my hands on my face. Suddenly my phone vibrated again. Another text.

I don't know what came over me to say that

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I don't know what came over me to say that.

Can you blame me? I'm liking
the attention you give me.

Do you? And here I thought
you liked me. But I see you
are an attention seeker or
maybe it's that boyfriend of
yours who doesn't know how
to take care of you.

Ouch. She touched a nerve. I really don't understand how everything is always about Colin. Colin this, Colin that. I just wish I never would've met him. But I can't let him ruin this, whatever "this" is.

The Model (Scarlett J. x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now