The Beginning

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Disclaimer: It's my first story. I will use a translator for certain languages. Please correct me if I make any mistakes. English is not my first language.

Third Person's POV

Anastasia Volkova (24 years old) was born in Mexico. I know, her name doesn't exactly sound like it. As far as she knew, her parents abandoned her when she was only 2 years old. Sold her to an Institution where she was raised in Russia. "Институт для молодых девушек" or "The Institute for Young Girls" located in Vladivostok, Russia. To the outside world, it was a girl's orphanage. To the government of Russia, a school for future spies. The Institute was created before the fallout of the Soviet Union but remained by changing its name and putting an orphanage as their cover. Buying girls from all over the world, to bring them and train them in several arts and sciences. Give them a "purpose", new identities, new lives. Anastasia was one of the unfortunate ones. Raised to lie, manipulate, use her sexuality as a weapon, and most importantly, kill those who decided to undermine the Russian government.

Growing up in a place like that was more than rough. Knowing you were abandoned. Unwanted. Replaceable. An object. They were taught love was weakness. A liability. They learned that the only way to make it in life was to do whatever it took to get what they wanted. Doesn't matter if it meant destroying families. People's lives. Not to mention the unthinkable amount of abuse they experience in places like that. Emotional, physiological and even physical abuse... but that's a topic for another day.

Anastasia was one of the most skillful girls they had until she got out, but she couldn't have survived without Ekaterina. Their favorite. Ekaterina Orlova, age 29. Born in Russia. Daughter of an important political figure in the former USSR. Her family chose to sent her to the Institute. Hates their guts. Anastasia and Ekaterina were involved romantically for a few months while in the Institute. Ekaterina took Anastasia under her wing a few weeks after Anastasia's arrival. She saw the girl had potential. Ekaterina didn't want to get attach, but she couldn't help it, Anastasia was a fighter and she gained her respect. The details are not relevant, for now. At some point they decided they would be better off as friends. They considered each other family. Would die for each other. After being in the Institute for more than half of their lives, they got out. Started new lives.

After the Institute, the girls considered several places to live. Several professions. Anastasia and Ekaterina were aware of their beauty. So modeling was the obvious option, they had done it in the past. It was one of the arts taught in the Institute. And they knew they were good at it.

Anastasia was 1.73m, her skin was tanned, her hair was dark brown, naturally wavy, a little past-the-shoulder length; athletic figure, no tattoos, she had beautiful heart-shaped thick lips, defined nose and piercing eyes. Her eyes, one dark hazel, the other one, light blue. Heterochromia. And her most eccentric feature, if you can call it that. A scar, starting from her right eyebrow, going all the way past her nose, diagonally, to her left eye, finishing halfway through her cheek. Consequence of "disrespecting" a superior in the Institute. A scar she would learn to live with despite the memories it would bring. Ekaterina was only 5cm taller than Anastasia. Pale skin, with platinum blond long hair, grey eyes, pink cherry lips, beautiful nose, and just like Anastasia a scar to complement the look. Her scar was on her left cheek, right under her eye, almost perfectly horizontal. A result of her efforts to try to help her friend. Pretty in shape as well, no tattoos.

A few months after they left the Institute, they flew to Paris. It only took a few months for them to start working with the giants of fashion. Versace, Louis Vuitton, Balenciaga, Balmain, Dior, between many others. They were known in the fashion industry as "The Russians". Known for their confidence on shows, and their ability to be friends with anyone relevant in the industry. In 2016, they started working for brand called The Row as their ambassadors. They became well-known but interestingly enough most people only knew them as The Russians. There was little to almost no information about who they were, only their work.

Moving forward a few years, Anastasia created her own company. An IT company. A company that would work with governments and private businesses. While Ekaterina worked with the ONU. Developed important political connections. And worked with one of the best law firms in Europe.

The friends were thriving in life. But Anastasia's life would take a turn. Her past was about to caught up with her. And her future, well, her future was about to make things even harder.

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