Chapter 33: More Truths

Start from the beginning

"Of course." Traya said getting up from here seat,
"Let's not keep the wizard waiting."


Ozpin, Glynda, Ironwood, Amber and now Winter Schnee were waiting for the Mad Bounty Hunter of Remnant to show. The school was surprisingly somewhat empty thanks to the fair grounds just opening up to the students first.

As Traya and Hector walked through the school unnoticed by the students, Glynda's jaw jarred upon seeing him with Traya.

"Qrow!" She suddenly yelled taking Qrow by surprise.

"What?! I wasn't even drinking... yet." He put with his hands up.

"Is something wrong?" Ironwood asked which Glynda replied,

"Traya. That's what's wrong." Glynda said turning her tablet over to show Traya and Hector walking towards Ozpin's tower.

"I thought you said he left her back at Mistral... Qrow?" Ironwood said.

"He did and your not in a position to tell me how to do my job Jimmy. The reason the White Fang are more dangerous now is because they manged to steal your toys. So much for a 'Advanced Kingdom." Qrow snapped back.
"Enough!" Glynda shouted putting the group in silence which after a few seconds Ozpin broke thr silence by saying.

"Whatever she wants we'll deal with it accordingly. I don't know what brought Hector back to her or vice versa but I do know this:

She wants something."

Everyone then became silent until they heard a ring. Ozpin looked at the security footage to find Hector and Traya waiting at the door.
Ozpin let's them in which Hector says,

"Hope you don't mind me bringing a friend along."

"Not at all. Traya, I see you're doing well." Ozpin greeted them.

"Ozpin. Glynda, General, Qrow, Winter. I'd say it's nice to see you all but it's not." Traya said plainly which Hector thought.

'Oooh she's learning from me!'

The group seemed to wince at her response before Hector took a step and said,

"Hate to interrupt this talk but I got some information on what the Fang are going to do."

Then the group turned their attention towards Hector before Hector himself looked at Winter and asked,

"Who is she?"

"This special operatives unit Winter Schnee. My right hand if you will. She will be working alongside you." Ironwood replied before adding,

"Though I don't remember you saying about bringing someone."

"Oh you bring whoever it's no big deal. But when I bring someone it's suddenly a big deal?" Hector answered which Ozpin said,

"Before we get distracted, Hector would you like to share what you discovered?"

"You guys remember mount Glen right?" Hector asked which Amber replied,

"You found their base?"

"Eh not really."

"What do you mean?" Amber asked confused.

"The location of their base is still unknown... for now. Currently my informant will be sent to their base. Once they do most of the more radical terrorists will be there. I'll use this opportunity to blow them and their equipment to kingdom come." Hector said with his voice going to a professional tone to a more sadistic one.

"Hold on!" Ironwood interjected.
"Under whose order are you going to blow up my paladins?"

"Last time I checked they're the White Fang's property. It isn't my fault your 'security' is so bad. Luckily for you Ozpin is paying me to clean up your mess." Hector responded back.

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