"But you can't think like that, it's not your fault. I'm sorry about the accident Gregor," my words surprisingly bold in the moment.

We sat in silence for multiple minutes. My mouth was twitching wanting to fill the space, but I fought talking wanting Gregor to control what would be said in the moment.

"Thank you for coming to me directly," Gregor stated.

"Of course."

"I appreciate Ferrari protecting the story. Florence doesn't need to know," Gregor's words surprising me.


"We don't need to share this with Florence. It's better not knowing," he clarified.

My eyebrows were knitted together, this was not the response I expected. "Gregor I don't think."

"What do you think of this," Gregor asked with bite at the end of the sentence.

"I think she should know," my statement direct.

"It's not your story to share. I appreciate you coming to me, but the topic ends here. We can move on from this moment."

I stood ready to walk off, Gregor didn't need to see my emotional response. "Fine, but Florence deserves to know. I ask that you think about it, and I'll be ready when you choose to share."

Gregor didn't turn to me or respond, only nodding where he was acknowledging he heard my statement. "Goodnight Charles, I'll see you tomorrow," his voice level.

I turned and walk down the stairs. My gate opened and I felt all sorts of feelings, the greatest being anger. I didn't regret the talk Gregor and I just had, but I thought I'd be walking away relieved. I was ready open up to Florence and to stop feeling like relaxing was a sin. Instead there was another challenge presented. Do I respect Gregor's wishes or do I tell Florence. I made the assumption maybe Gregor would respect my plea, so I would give him time to hopefully change his mind on his own. Without thinking my fist swung into the wall of the gate, my knuckles smashing into the concrete with force.
I was sitting in the waiting area of the emergency room with an ice pack around my hand. They had already taken an X-ray, so I was waiting for the result. The corner of the room was free when I arrived, so I was doing my best to keep a low profile. I had signed a guys T-shirt for his hat on the way over, so it was pulled low over my eyes as I slouched in the corner.

I watched as Florence stormed in through the door, her head whipping around in every direction. I held up my hand when she turned towards me, her wide eyes then relaxing as she sped walked to me.

"What the fuck Charles, you go for a walk with my dad and end up here," her voice sharp through her teeth as she sat down with the same body language as me. She pulled the hood of her sweatshirt up was well.

"Hello to you too," I mumbled.

"Ugh, I'm sorry. Are you okay," her voice turning to caring and her eyes genuinely worried. "You just scared me," she said defending her reaction.

"I know, I'm sorry to freak you out this way. When I told you I would show you all of Monaco this week, it's not what I had in mind."

"Well what happened," she asked leaning her head on my shoulder, her hand tracing over my injured hand with a feather-like touch.

"I punched a wall," my voice steady.

Florence perked up, her eyes meeting mine.

"You punched a wall after asking my dad to go for a walk." Her eyes never left mine, and I had been thinking of a response this entire time. I hated what I came up with, but it was something I've been wanting to tell her. It was just not the truth I wanted to go with.

"It was after. Michael called about something I've been balancing, and now if my hand is broken the information is very relevant."

"Care to share," Florence's voice heavy with curiosity.

"Florence, Aston Martin offered me a contract for this upcoming season, and I have to decide by tomorrow. I freaked out." It was true that the decision had also bothered me the last few weeks, I just hated to lie about my hand.

Florence let the confusion wash over her face for a moment, then started regaining her composure.

"Charles Le..." a booming voice came near the door. The person caught both of our attention, the nurse snapping their head up from reading the paper. They looked over to where Florence and I were, not being able to hide the shock in their eyes.

"Charles Leclerc," the nurse said a little softer. "If you'll follow me."

I stood up and told Florence to come with me. "What do you mean they offered you a contract," her voice soft as she walked beside me. I gave her a chuckle and side eye, holding a finger for quiet in front of my mouth.

While it wasn't the secret I wanted to tell Florence, I had been itching to tell her this information. There was some relief knowing I could talk to her about this now. The nurse escorted us to a private room with a hospital bed.

"The doctor will be with you shortly," the nurse said without making eye contact and closed the door. I sat next to Florence who already to a seat at the end of the bed.

"I didn't even think that was possible. I thought the window closed," her eyes curious.

"There is a clause in my contract. If Ferrari isn't a top 3 car, I can leave. We were 4th in the constructors cup this year, and it was pretty exhausting."

"Are you going to move," Florence asked leaning into my side for support.

"I've been figuring it out," I answered honestly.

"Well I support you regardless, it's just kinda wild news to find out about while we are at the hospital. What do you think," her voice a whisper like someone could hear us.

"The idea excites me, but my home is Ferrari. I know they will do what they can to get me into a championship car. It's just are they able?"

Florence nodded, taking in the information. "Well I'm here to support you and talk you though whatever I can. Maybe it'll keep you from punching a wall," her voice light.

I nodded breaking eye contact, hating I couldn't share everything with her.

"I'd like that," I said as we watched the door reopen. An older woman in scrubs and white coat was coming in. "Although I think I already made my decision." Florence raised her eyes at me but didn't speak.

"Charles, I'm Dr. Fields. Director of the Emergency Medicine," the woman said reaching out her hand to me which I shook.

"Nice to meet you," I responded.

"Well I'll get to it. You did break your knuckle, and you probably won't be able to move your hand for some time. From what I can tell, you won't need surgery but will need a cast for 4 to 6 weeks."

I let out a breath, relieved to hear no surgery. "Thank you."

"I'm sure you can get a second opinion with your team. I have the copies of the X-ray ready to send to Ferrari if you let them know about this incident."

"I appreciate it, I'll be sure to let you know."

"What color do you want your cast," the doctor asked.

I hummed for a second, forgetting I'd still have a consequence for punching a wall. I'd take it over surgery anytime though. "What do you think," I asked nudging Florence.

"What about Monaco red," Florence chuckled.

"Or Ferrari red," I smiled letting her know my choice. Florence's eyes lit up as she looked at me.

"I like both, they are the same red after all," the doctor chimed in not knowing how significant that moment was.

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