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    Her green eyes shine bright in the artificial light, pale skin blending in with the white interior.  She looked up at me eyes filled with purity and curiosity.

I felt upset with the burden about to be placed upon her. Not having been tainted by this place, she could have been something. Something more then just a mindless soldier.

"Why am I doing this? " I mumble under my breath so the others don't hear.

I knew the answer was simple, but I didn't want to accept it. I could only hope his lies would be unraveled, and everything he had ruined would be undone.

I shook my head, grimacing at the mess I had gotten myself into. Science was a dangerous thing, people got trapped in the web of possibilities, and were to weak to escape.

Maybe it was for the best, the rebellion was getting worse. People were being tortured and thrown into jail for disobeying their superiors. The President didn't want to make the same mistakes as the people before, but he was just making it worse.

I grabbed the syringe from the hovering table, hoping with all my heart this wouldn't be another failure. I didn't have the time nor the strength to watch another life be extinguished.

I injected the needle into the baby's arm and slowly pushed the plunger. The orange serum sloshed around as the baby began to kick.

Her eyes opened wide an emotion unknown to her causing her reaction.

She screamed and wailed her cries only bouncing off the sound proof walls. The sounds which would haunt me forever.

I quickly removed the needle, an unpleasant feeling settling in my stomach.

The infant stops crying her tears racing down her cheeks. She looks up at the bright lights one last time a content look on her face before the light slowly goes out.


I slammed my fists on the table, upset with the current situation. This was pointless, it was impossible to even dream something this insane.

I rested my elbows next to the desceased child, cradling my head in my hands when I heard a faint whimper. 

I lifted my head, everyone had stopped what they were doing and I realized the President had stepped in.

"Sir," the head chemist greeted.

"Jamie, reports."

"Failures sir, all of them." She tells him disappointment ringing in her voice.

The President turns his gaze and suddenly his eyes are on my baby.

"That one." He says pointing to mine. I straighten up as he strolls over towards me, Jamie following behind him and giving me a, what-did-you-do-now, look.

I glanced at my kid and noticed her eyes had changed to light yellow.

"Um sir, this is probably just a minor problem I'm sure we can fix it or-"

"What does it do." He asks fasinated by the small child in front of him.  The child stared at him completely silent, studying his every movement.

I had turned her into a predator.

All of a sudden the infant jerked to the right.  It's nails began to grow longer and Jamie gasped in horror. I took a step back as the President took one closer.

It's ears twisted into a point and grey fur began to cover it's body.  It flipped itself over muscles rippling, as fur quickly covered it's naked body. 

Then it all stopped and it shook itself off looking up at us with it's wild yellow eyes.

"What have you done?" Jamie breathes in horror. 

The president picks up the almost empty syringe and spins around holding it up to the others.

"Who is responsible for this?" He questions his eyes scanning the room. I shrink away from the table glad the attention was off me.

A women with light brown hair pushes foward a young ameteur man with auburn hair foward.

"You." The president says motioning him foward. The room is silent as the man steps toward the leader of our country. He stars at the man for a long time,  like he was trying to uncover his secreats

"It's perfect." He says shoving the syringe into the man's hand.  "You will work with this man," He tells him pointing to me. "And you will build me an army."


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