Chapter 14

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I walked into the lounge to see Jennie arguing with the door

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I walked into the lounge to see Jennie arguing with the door.

"I don't care if you're related to Window, you can't just fucking walk into people whenever you feel like it!", she said, putting her hands on her hips.

"Uhh, Jennie?" I walked towards her. "What?!" she huffed. "You're talking to a door.", I pointed out. "So?", she asked. "Doors can't talk. They're as dumb as dirt.", I said.

"Hey! Doors have feelings too!" She put her arms on either side of the door and leaned her head against it. "It's okay, he didn't mean it.
You're so much more than just a door."

She suddenly leaned in and gave it a full on kiss.
I burst out laughing. That's when I noticed three muffin wrappers lying on the floor.

Oh shit...

"Uh, Jennie? Did you by any chance eat any of the chocolate chip muffins?", I asked slowly.
"Yuppp! I had this many!" She held up five fingers, then frowned and folded two of them in her palm.

"You ate three space muffins?!", I exclaimed.
"ooh space muffins? Will they take me to Neptune? Or Venus?", she asked me, looking at the ceiling as if a spaceship would abduct her any second.

"You're fucking stoned.", I said, rolling my eyes.
"Yayyy!" She clapped her hands excitedly.
"Ohmigod can we go swimming?", she asked me with a huge grin. "No.", I told her. "You're a meanie." She pouted and folded her arms. "Oh well, I'm going anyway!"

She ran to the back door and I chased after her.
She stumbled on the stairs and fell on her arm. "Merda, fa male! (Shit, that hurt!)", she groaned. Two seconds later she was up and running towards the pool.

When I got outside, Jennie was standing in her underwear next to the pool. "Won't you join me,
kind sir?", she asked me with a smirk.

Oh fuck...
No, Jungkook! She's stoned! Stop it!

I slowly walked over to her, picking up her hoodie. "Here, put this on.", I said, handing it to her. She looked at me and smiled. "Thanks." She took the hoodie, but held onto my hand.

"Cannon ball!", she screamed as she jumped in the pool, pulling me with her. We landed in the pool with a huge splash. I swam to the surface and glared at her. "This suit is fucking Armani.' I growled. "You can buy ten more.", she said with a shrug.

"Ooh, I've never been skinny dipping before.", she said, her eyes lit up with excitement.
"Jennie, no! You-" Before I could even finish my sentence, she had unhooked her bra. It was now floating away in the water. I quickly shut my eyes.

"Put your bra back on.", I commanded. "Oops, I'm not wearing any panties.", she giggled."
Gesù Cristo, Jennie. (Jesus Christ, Jennie.)" I fought the urge to open my eyes and look at her.

She's not in her right mind Jungkook, don't look!

I felt her hands around my neck, her body pressed against me. "Open your eyes, Jungkook." she said in a low, seductive voice. I closed my eyes even tighter.

Don't open them, don't fucking open them...

Jennie suddenly smashed her lips on mine, wrapping her legs around me. She grinded her hips against me and I groaned. I kissed her back for a second then pushed her away. "Fuck, please stop. I can't fuck you while you're like this. I'm not that big of an asshole."

I could have her right here, right now...

No, Jungkook! Think of things that don't turn you on. Cold showers, great grandma Heejin, Donald Trump.

I pushed her away from me, my eyes still closed.
I turned around and felt my way towards the edge of the pool, pulling myself up. I heard Jennie doing the same and turned away from

Then I opened my eyes, still not looking at her, and picked up a towel. I threw it over my shoulder. "Put this around you.", I told her.
"Did you do it?", I asked. "Yeah.", she replied. I turned around. She was wrapped in the towel.

Thank the lord and all thats holy. If she was naked, I wouldn't have been able to control muself.

I led her into the house. We went to her room and I ran a nice, warm bubble bath for her.
"Drink this.", I told her, handing her some water. She took it gratefully and drank it.
"Okay, I'll leave so you can get in.

Half an hour later, she walked out of her En Suite, wearing pyjama shorts and a top with a cupcake on it. I smiled and shook my head.

"Here, get in bed. You need to rest.", I told her, gesturing to her bed. She nodded her head and jumped on the bed. I covered her with the duvet.

"Kookie?", she called out, just as I was leaving.
She's been talking to Taehyung, I bet. I looked behind me and saw that the duvet was almost completely covering her, except her eyes were peeking out of it like a little kid cheating at hide and seek.

She's so fucking cute.

"Why are you being. not an asshole?", she asked me, scrunching her nose. I chuckled.

That's a good question. Why didn't I just leave her in the pool and walk away?

I shrugged. "You won't remember any of this anyway.", I said and closed the door behind me.

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