Chapter 8

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I woke up with a splitting headache

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I woke up with a splitting headache. I reached out to my bedside table and felt for the bottle of water and pills that's supposed to be there.

That's weird. Mino always leaves me some water and asprin after we go clubbing.

I sat up in bed and looked around. "Where the fuck am I?", I asked out loud. I rubbed my eyes, as if that would make what I was seeing go away. I was in a huge bedroom that I didn't recognise. Black and white furniture filled the room, and I didn't recall ever being in it.

I looked over to the right side of the room and gasped. There were two glass doors that led to a balcony, overlooking a huge pool.

And I thought we were rich...

I sat in bed, trying to recall what happened last night at the club. After a few minutes, it all came back to me.

Jeong! He's Jungkook! That asshole drugged me and threw me in his car. He must've brought me here.

Ugh. He took my gun too. There must be a weapon around here somewhere...

I jumped out of the bed and started looking for something that I could use as a weapon. The best I could come up with was a thick, iron hanger from the wardrobe.

Eh, it'll have to do. If this place had a bathroom, I'd pull a Calla on 'em and use the toilet seat or shower head.

I held the hanger tightly as I slowly opened the door. I peered outside to see if anyone was around, but the place was empty. Cautiously, I walked towards the left end of the hallway.
Suddenly I heard a deep voice from behind me.

"Hey you! Get back here!" I turned around and saw a big sized man in a suit. "Merda! (Shit!)"

I spun on my heels and took off, not knowing where I was going. I didn't look back, but I could hear his feet hitting the ground behind me.

I went to the staircase and ran down four flights of stairs.

Holy shit I should've listened to my dad and worked out more often.

turned around to try fighting the guy. He immediately charged at me. I stood there, waiting patiently for him to reach me. As soon as he did, I whacked him with the hanger.

He barely even flinched. "What the hell? Are you the fucking hulk or something?", I yelled at him. He came at me again and I tried my best to avoid his attempts to catch me.

I ducked under his arm and karate chopped his shoulder blade, making the left side of his body numb.

Ha! Works every time.

I dusted imaginary dust from my shoulder, turned around and froze. There, in the dining room, was a huge table filled with tons of food.
Pizza, pasta, steaks, chips. And, my personal favourite: fried chicken!

Food, glorious food!

Oh, and there were like twenty men sitting at the table. All staring at me.

I casually walked to one of the seats and sat down. I filled my plate with fried chicken and chips and began eating it, while everyone still stared at me.

I eventually got annoyed and looked up. "What?
Have you never seen a girl in your lives?", I demanded. A few of them looked down, but most burst out laughing. They then continued chatting to each other.

I rolled my eyes and continued eating. The person sitting to my right nudged me. "Hey, that was pretty cool. What you did to Paul, I mean." I grinned, then realised my mouth was full of chicken and quickly swallowed.

"I'm Taehyung. And you are?"

"Jennie.", I told him. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Jennie.", he said, flashing me a smile. That's when I realised how cute he was. He had black, messy hair, slightly tanned skin and green eyes.
He looked about 18, which was 2 years younger than me.

Oh, if only he was older.

For some reason, everything became dead silent. I looked up and saw the devil himself enter the room.


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