Chapter 5

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"Cosa? Did you just say the Mafia?", I asked with a frown

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"Cosa? Did you just say the Mafia?", I asked with a frown. "Yes the fucking Mafia!
Why are they after you?", my dad snapped. Dio (God), I don't know. But calm down."

He leaned forward and put his head in his hands. "I'm sorry, Jennie. It's just that... the Mafia are dangerous people. I don't want anything to happen to you."

I sighed and patted my father's arm. "It's okay, I understand. But I still don't know why they're after me.", I said with a frown.

"That's what I'm trying to figure out. Who did you piss off lately? I want a list.", he told me.
"Well, seeing as it's Jennie, I'm sure we'll need a lot of paper.", Mino said with a grin.

"Sta 'zitto! (Shut up!)", I said, swatting him on the head with a rolled up piece of paper. "Ouch!
That hurt.", he said dramatically. "How are you in a gang?" I rolled my eyes, but still smiled.

My dad held his hands up. "This is serious. We need to think very carefully about any reasons as to why they're looking for you." We were all silent for a few minutes, thinking of possible reasons.

Suddenly, Mino jumped up. "I know!" We both looked at him expectantly. "Well, aren't you gonna ask me what I know?", he asked us. I did an internal face palm and my father sighed.
"What do you know, Mino?", I asked as if I were talking to a child.

"Didn't you kill three guys the other night?", he asked me. "Yeah, and?"

Mino looked at me like I was dumb. "What if that's why the Mafia is after you. What if they were in the Mafia?" I frowned, thinking about the possibility.

I turned to my father. "Do you know who Choi San is?", I asked him. He nodded.
"Of course. Everyone does. He's the Mafia's second in command. Why?"

I looked at him, my eyes were probably the size of saucers. My mouth suddenly went dry. "Ohh, that's where I knew him from. I knew his name sounded fam. Jennie?", Mino waved his hand in front of me.

"I.. I..", I couldn't form words.

I killed the mafia's second in command! Not that he didn't deserve it, but still!

"Use your words Jennie.", Mino told me. I swallowed hard and glared at him.
"Imightasortakilledhim.", I said quickly. My father and best friend both frowned at me.
"What did you say?"

"I...killed Choi San.", I said again, clearer this time. Mino looked at me, his eyes wide in surprise. My father, on the other hand, looked horrified. "You did what?!"

"Hey! It's not my fault he perved on me and then shoved me in his dirty ass boot!", I protested. My father got up and began pacing up and down his office. "This is not good... this is bad...", he was muttering.

After a few minutes, he stopped and turned to me. "Okay, listen. You need to keep an extremely low profile for the next few weeks.
Maybe even a month. No going out of the house. Got it?"

"What? No, I don't got it! I'm not gonna be a prisoner just because...", I shut up when I saw the look on my father's face.

"It's not up for discussion. You will stay at home and you will not go out until this thing blows over. Capire? (Understand?)", he asked. I sighed, then nodded.

Well, I'm royally fucked.

Wanted by the Mafia (Jenkook)Where stories live. Discover now