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hello bubsss!!! the amount of giggling, freaking out, and silently screaming i did while writing this chapter 😭 honestly idk why i keep writing such long chapters but i'm vibing with it so oh well 😜

the song for this chapter is indeed "Sway" by Michael Bublé ;)) (iykyk)
^i would suggest playing the song when everyone starts dancing at the wedding reception btw

but enjoyyyy 🤭

As I wake up the next morning, I notice a strange feeling in my gut. A feeling like something was going to happen. Surely it must have just been anticipation for the wedding being today.

The whole wedding crew is given robes to wear as we get our makeup and hair ready, and with some convincing toward Ralph, I'm able to sneak Pansy into the room with me. I really didn't feel like sitting alone in a room for hours while people I didn't want to talk to pampered me.

Pansy and I are sat in chairs next to each other in front of a large mirror. The room was almost purely white with small gold accents in the furniture. It felt like the perfect place to get ready for a wedding.

"What's the plan for your hair today?" The woman behind Pansy's chair asks her, giving her a polite smile.

As Pansy explains what she wants done to her hair, I attempt to make small talk with the woman working on mine. "I suppose I don't get a choice?"

She laughs quietly in response, continuing to work on my hair while speaking. "The wedding planner was quite strict about how the bridesmaids' hair was supposed to be."

"Ah, so you've met Ralph as well then?" I give her a playful smile, making eye contact through the mirror.

She returns the smile, clearly understanding my intent in the question. "Indeed I have," A small laugh leaves her after she speaks. "Was it just me or did he mention the whole 'Broadway besties' thing to you as well?"

I laugh in response, nodding my head. "What a strange thing to feel the need to tell everyone of,"

"I couldn't agree more," She laughs along with me.

Over an hour later Pansy and I's makeup and hair is complete,  and luckily the process of it all was not nearly as bad as I had expected.

My hair actually looked quite lovely with pearls scattered throughout it, along with red gems and ribbons placed in it, matching my dress perfectly.

Before leaving the room I make a small comment towards my hair and makeup artist about how maybe it was a good thing after all that Ralph was in charge of the hair decisions. This earns quiet laughter from the both of us.

Pansy and I walk back to our room, now needing to change. She lets out a small squeal as we enter the room, clapping her hands together with excitement.

"I LOVE the process of getting ready!" She says, pure excitement radiating off of her as she takes her dress out of the wardrobe.

I laugh quietly in response to her enthusiasm, picking up my own dress as well. "I can't lie and say I'm not excited to wear this dress myself"

My hand roams over the velvet fabric, admiring the beauty of it.

"How cute is it that people can get so excited over such small things?" Pansy says, a sweet smile formed on her lips.

"What do you mean?" I question, turning my head to look at her.

"I think it just shows the pure innocence and soul of a person when they have their own little things they get excited about." She shrugs, smiling at her words before she enters the bathroom to get changed.

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