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Hi lovely bubs!:) this is more of a filler chapter but I hope y'all enjoy anyways! And just in case y'all care, which you probably don't lmao, I wrote this while listening to barbie music and I have absolutely no regrets. Get your sparkle on is beyond iconic and you know you agree

Anyways enjoy!!:)) lmao

The last two weeks had flown by quickly, excitement filling the school as there was only 2 days left until Christmas break.

I was sitting on a couch in the common room, reading a book, when Pansy quickly made her way over to me, flopping down beside me.

"Daphne and I think us three should have a sleepover tonight before break," she says, adjusting so she was facing me.

"Why not tomorrow night?" I ask, turning my attention from the book to her.

She stares at me blankly for a moment before furrowing her brows slightly.

"How do you never know about the parties going on?" She tilts her head slightly.

I shrug at her, feeling slightly concerned about her question. Honestly, I was wondering the same thing.

"What's this one for?" I ask, amusement in my voice.

Slytherin's always found an excuse to have parties, even if they were not believable whatsoever.

"For winter break of course," she says as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

I can't hold in the laugh that escapes my mouth at the dumb excuse. Why were we celebrating 'winter break'?

"Oh sorry, should've known." I say sarcastically, smiling slightly.

"Mhm, you should've." She nods, raising her eyebrows at me.

I laugh quietly, turning my head back to my book.

"Meet us in the dorm in an hour!" Pansy says, getting up from the couch.

I don't lift my head from the book, instead but mutter a small "mhm" before I hear her quickly walk back to our dorm.

I couldn't help but replay my memories of the last party I went to, my lips frowning slightly. Luckily, this party there was no chance of getting a letter from my mother, as I hadn't written her back yet, meaning I could have fun and enjoy myself before break. Maybe the whole party idea wasn't horrible.

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"We should do face masks!" Daphne exclaims excitedly.

We were all sitting on Pansy's bed, in matching pajamas we got last summer, talking and gossiping about different things.

"Ooh yes!" I grin in excitement, loving our little sleepover like moment.

The three of us walked quickly over to the bathroom. I open a drawer, searching for the face masks.

I pull them out, grinning, and hand one to each of them.

"How do you even do these?" Pansy asks, playing with the lotion like consistency in her hand.

"Just put it all over your face," Daphne says, giggling as she does exactly that.

I laugh slightly as well, wiping the face mask all over my face. The mask color was a light green, reminding me of mint chocolate ice cream, without the chocolate of course.

Pansy clipped back her bangs, before hesitantly putting the mask on.

"Merlin this thing is freezing," she says, laughing slightly.

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