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Heyyy bubs! This is the second chapter out of three andddd I hope you like it lol


"If you drop me I'll curse you," Pansy threatens to Blaise.

We were now near the end of rehearsal, and Blaise was practicing dipping Pansy for a scene.

"I won't drop you! I'm very strong, right Theo?" Blaise exclaims, glancing over at Theo.

"Sure, mate." Theo laughs.

I quietly laugh along with him, though stop when Pansy narrows her eyes at me.

"Show me how to do it one more time!" Pansy begs me, concern in her voice.

"Ok, ok. C'mere Theo," I respond, gesturing for the boy to come over to me.

He unwillingly walks over to us, and gets ready for the demonstration. I walk a few steps away from him before spinning towards him and then leaning back into his arms. He dips me gently, before bringing me back upwards.

"I promise it's not hard, Pans. Just don't overthink it." I try to comfort her, though she only scrunches her nose up in response.

She slowly walks a few steps away from Blaise, before taking a deep breath in.

"You ready?" She asks Blaise cautiously.

"Yeah, and have been for 15 minutes." He responds impatiently.

Pansy rolls her eyes at his statement, before preparing for the spin.

The spin is graceful and light, before she gently drops into his arms. He does the dip perfectly, causing a grin to grow on my face.

Theo and I clap at their performance, before we're distracted by Mcgonagall's voice.

"Alright everyone, that was rehearsal! Good work, I'll see you in a few days." She announces to everyone.

We all pack up our bags pretty quickly, before I head out of the auditorium with Pansy, Blaise, and Theo.

"Oh shoot I forgot my script," I realize, glancing back at the giant doors that lead to where my script would be.

"We can wait up for you," Blaise suggests, glancing between the group.

"No it's fine, you can keep going," I smile, before turning around and heading back.

I find my script pretty quickly, before thanking Mcgonagall for the rehearsal, and heading back towards the common room.

I hear loud footsteps behind me as I walk through the empty corridors, though don't pay much attention to them.

"Miss Y/l/n!" A deep voice calls out for me.

I recognize the voice immediately, and jump slightly at the yelling, before slowly turning out.

"Yes, Professor?" I ask him, trying to hide my worried feeling.

"Care to have tea?" Moody asks, a small suspicious smirk on his face.

"No thank you." I answer confidently, trying to fake a smile.

"You don't like tea or something?"

"No I just-"

"There you are! C'mon we're gonna be late," a familiar voice interrupts me.

Draco walks up to me, and wraps his arm around my shoulder before we turn around and walk away.

Once we're out of Moody's sight I stomp on his foot and distance myself a few feet away from him.

"Is your new thing stomping on my foot?" Draco asks, making sure his foot is okay.

"What exactly are we going to be late for?" I ask annoyedly, glaring at him.

"Nice dip you and Theo had," Draco mentions randomly, totally forgetting about what just happened.

"I could've gotten out of that situation by myself."

"Have you guys been practicing that or is it just natural to fall into his arms?"

"Will you please just tell me what's going on?" I ask, my voice raising slightly.

"Oh, or maybe you just do it with loads of guys, and Theo is no different."

"Draco!" I yell angrily, freezing in the middle of the corridor.

Draco stops as well, turning to look at me, before sighing and staring at the ground.

"He was going to try and use the Imperious Curse on you."

My eyes widen at this news, before millions of questions fill my head, though he continues to talk before I can ask any.

"He's been doing it to lots of students lately." Draco shrugs slightly. "Trying to find powerful people I guess,"

"Why would he want to find powerful people?" I ask, my brows furrowed in confusion.

"Not sure," He responds, before biting his bottom lip gently.

There's an awkward moment of silence between the two of us as I stand there trying to process all of this news.

"Thank you," I mumble quietly, my eyes glued to the ground.

"Anytime," Draco whispers, before turning away and walking off.

_ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _
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ok ik it seems crazy but Professor Moody used the imperious curse on some students in the book, and I really wanted to add that in, but in a different way, sooo that's what I did lol.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed! You mean so much to me, MWAH

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