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Hey bubs!! This is a longer chapter for y'all because I  wanted to add details and not rush it:)) also I'd love if y'all commented some of the fanfics your writing! I love reading all your stories!<3

Anyways! Enjoy!:))

The group ended up deciding we would have our quidditch game tomorrow, at 5 P.M.

The game wasn't the only thing that was happening tomorrow, it was also Halloween. Which meant that we'd get to celebrate right afterwards, when we won.

I liked to think I had no doubt in my mind that we'd win, but truthfully, there was a small doubt in my mind. The boys had always been quite talented when it came to quidditch so even if I felt we did good, by ourselves, flying around like idiots, who knows what'll happen when we start playing against other people. People who have played quidditch for awhile now, too.

The three of us, Pansy, Daphne, and myself, walked back to our dorm, our bodies tired and slightly sore.

We all showered, and changed into our pajamas before tiredly flopping onto our beds. I was proud of how much we practiced, but goodness was it tiring.

"Once this whole bet thing is over, I say we never play quidditch again." Pansy says, wrapping herself up in a blanket.

"Couldn't agree more," I yawn, closing my eyes.

"I second that," Daphne mutters before rolling over on her bed, turning off the lamp that lit up the dorm room.

"Night, guys," I say softly, a small smile forming on my face.

"Goodnight," Pansy mutters so quietly it's almost impossible to hear.

I hear a small, quiet, "mhm" from Daphne before I close my heavy eyes once again, falling asleep rather quickly.

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The next day goes by quickly, consisting of finding random bruises all over my legs, that I apparently got from quidditch.

Since I, of course, had most of my classes with none other than Draco, he'd constantly say things like "Nervous, Y/l/n?" Or "I'll try not to beat you too harshly" followed along with his signature smirk. He knew how arrogant and cocky he was, but he loved it.

In all honestly, though, I was nervous. The last thing I wanted to do was someone else's homework for three whole days, because I lost a bet I was so prideful about. Plus, who wouldn't want to see three rather serious, always putting up a hard front guys, wear Halloween costumes because they lost a game of quidditch to three girls who've never played quidditch in there lives.

I kept the thought of winning in my mind throughout the day, trying to keep my determination up. It seemed to be working for me, though Daphne looked fairly stressed the whole day.

I'd constantly give her encouraging smiles, hoping she knew I believed in her, though I'd only get a weak smile from her in return.

Pansy's confidence was through the roof, per usual. She acted as if we already won, as if there wasn't a doubt in her mind that we would win.

The three of us walked back to our dorm together, not a word being said. The stressed tension between all of us was extremely high, causing nerves to fill my body.

I took a deep breath in, exhaling shakily, which only proved how nervous I was.

"If we're not confident, there's no chance we'll win." Pansy says, lifting her chin slightly as we walk down the dungeon stairs.

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