Taylor pulled back as the door opened behind them. She waited until the footsteps disappeared towards the bathrooms and then she said, "Oh wow."

Grace watched her gaze travel between her eyes and lips and shook her head, "It was only a kiss."

"You're so getting laid tonight," Taylor pulled away and picked her flowers up again. Grace could read her like a book, "These are very pretty, thanks."

"You are welcome," Grace shifted her stance, "It is three o'clock now so I must be going."

"Babe, where are you going?"

"I'm walking home," Grace said calmly.

"It's super cold out. You walked here? Take the car, the driver won't be that far out. Just wait a minute and I'll call him."

"I'd prefer to walk," the former heiress admitted meekly.

Taylor clicked her phone off and shoved it back into her pocket before pulling Grace into a tight hug, "The roads are all plowed and dry today. You don't have to worry."

"I understand that," Grace spoke into Taylor's shoulder, "I'm too scared."

"Stay here and hang out, we will go together," Taylor offered a weak smile as she brushed her hands against Grace's jaw and kissed her forehead, "C'mon, you never turn down the opportunity to watch me sing."

"I know," Grace agreed. It was true, she had almost started to pester Taylor to play for her over the past month and a half. She loved her singing and they'd write little songs about the cats. Grace's favourite was the one about Meredith being an assassin who was hired to take out Taylor's enemies, one by one scouring the corners of the earth to exact her revenge.

Taylor got one of the extra chairs out and popped it into the corner. She also gave Grace an extra water bottle and said to the band, "Hope you guys don't mind if my girlfriend hangs out 'till we leave for the night."

They had no arguments with it and Grace got to hear some of the songs written about her with a full band for the first time. It was quite a show.

Taylor held Grace's hand properly for the first time in nearly two months as they walked out of the rehearsal space towards the car. It was awkward when she reached for her hand and instinctively pulled back only for Grace to glare at her and make a point of holding her hand. Tight.

"I know I make a point of not putting you on a pedestal because we like to keep home and work separate," Grace began on the sidewalk. There was some snow that needed to be cleared, roughly a quarter inch that would likely melt quickly yet still be enough to scare her, "But you are immensely talented at your craft and I have a deep appreciation for your passion."

"Thanks," the blonde blushed. It took her a second to get the word out because she felt her brain go into overdrive with silly little butterflies, "Are you sucking up for something?"

"No, I just find you very... cool."

"I think you're pretty damn cool, too," Taylor slid in first as the security guard help the car door open for them. Grace hesitated to get inside, pursing her lips as she looked in, "It's okay, Mark's the best driver we've got. Right, Mark?"

"Rest assured, Miss Kent, I will abide by the the traffic rules and take into account the weather conditions," the driver told them both as he made eye contact through the rear view mirror. Grace gulped and wrapped her palm around Taylor's again after buckling up her seatbelt and making sure it was latched.

They made it home safely despite Grace's fears and Taylor remembered that she hadn't picked a place to go for dinner so she asked Grace if she still wanted to go out. The former heiress insisted that they should have a nice night, it was unlikely they would go out the next day for Valentine's because restaurants were so cramped and Taylor didn't want to be seen if she didn't have to be.

The Lucky One (2) - Taylor SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now