Bell Test Part 1

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After Kakashi and Kushina's bodies flicker to get away from them. Naruto Also disappears using body flicker without saying a word.

Meanwhile, Sasuke thought about Naruto's words. While Sakura looks at Sasuke and blushes.

Menma: That bastard he didn't even goodbye to us, we are this sibling and now we are also these teammates he least says goodbye before he goes.

Naruko: Menma didn't mad, you Naruto Nii Chan always like this. She tried to calm down this angry brother/teammate.

Sakura: Hey Naruko, can I do something for you?

Naruko: yes, why not.

Sakura: Naturally all Genin were put in a four-man squad, consisting of three Genin and a Jounin-sensei. Then why our team constituted an exception, for beginning a seven- n  squad of Five Genin and two Jonin-sensei?

After hearing this Sasuke also look at them.

Naruko: we'll because .....

Menma: our team was an Experimental team. he completed Naruko 's sentence.


Minato: You all must know why you are here even if you don't know you are assigned to be a jonin sensei and lead a team of genins." he said to all the jonins.

The Jonins nodded and soon Minato was giving them their team. Kushina's turn came.

  Minato: "Kushina you have to wait here for Kakashi. Then I will give you the team." Kushina was confused as to why he was waiting for Kakashi but She didn't say anything. Sometime later, Kakashi came and greeted them.

Kakashi: He asked, "What service do you need from me Hokage sama?"

Minato: He nodded "At the academy there an odd number of students have passed the exam so we have one short person to complete the team." Kakashi was not feeling good listening to that but let his Sensei continue. "So we have decided that we will have our first 5 genin team this is experimental. Originally Kushina would be the Jonin sensei but we considered he can't give everyone enough time so we have decided that Kakashi would also be the Jonin sensei of the team." They nodded.

__________________________________________________ Flashback End.

After that Team 7' walked away from their homes.

The Next Morning .....

Team 7 minus  Naruto at 5 am sharp to find Kakashi and  Kushina not there.

Sakura: "Ughhh! Where are Kakashi and Kushina sensei and Naruto?" She screeched after waiting for an hour, making her wince.

Naruko: Well Sakura I don't about Mom or Kakashi nii Chan but I tell you Naruto in Chan is already here.

Menma: Naruko was right you should use your eyes, he is just above us."

  After that pointing towards a branch of a tree, under which Menma, Naruko, Sasuke, and Sakura were resting.

Sakura turned her eyes to the position where Menma was pointing and found Naruto sleeping on a branch.

2 hours later, Naruto suddenly wakes up and leaps through the tree branches to the ground... Then Kushina and Kakashi also appeared in front of them.

Sakura: Hey, sensei why you and Kakashi came late?

Kushina: Because this Part of this exam that's why you don't come in time.

Kushina: Your task is to get a bell from Kakashi before noon" as Kakashi pulled out four bells from his ninja pouch "Those that don't get a bell, will be tied to one of the wooden posts" she pointed at the middle wooden post "and we'll eat lunch in front of them... Oh, and we'll be sending that person back to the academy

Sakura saw something and asked, "Sensei there are only 4 three bells." Kakashi nodded at that "Yes nice observation. Only 4 people would pass.

Then Kakashi took out a clock and set it to 2 hours and said " You will have 2 hours to take a bell from me. Ok now GOOO!!" everybody hid except Naruko who charged straight at Kakashi.

4Genin and one Jounin—blurred out of existence while 2 stayed there.

Kakashi: sweat dropped. "Um,  that you know that test has begun" He sent a curious glance at the teens'He was good, but he can be better. Sasuke, Menma, and Naruko are up in the trees while Sakura is… hiding in a bush*cue sweatdrop*. Even though I'm standing next to them, I can't sense Naruto's presence. They're good, truly prodigies as academy teachers said'.

Naruto: " I know that,  the sound of his voice was calm, and I also know that you are testing our Teamwork".

Kakashi: Then why should we here, and don't tell your teammates the real meaning of this test?

Naruto: If I tell them about the true meaning of this test, then this test becomes meaningless. so they should learn themselves.

Kakashi: So what do you do now?

Naruto: Nothing.  After that Naruto disappear in a puff of smoke.

Meanwhile On the other side of the training ground.

Naruko charged straight at Kushina. (It was the same as canon except that Kushina was not reading anything and did not do the 1000 years of death at Naruko.)

With Menma-

Menma was up on the tree, looking at Kakashi 'Okay, and think about the test. There are only four bells, and we need them before noon to pass the test. However, against an experienced Jonin like Kakashi and Kaa-Chan, this is pretty much impossible for fresh out of the academy Genin like us' he thought ' And why are there only four bells?'.

Now I understand, Those bells are used to put us against each other, They want to see if we can work together or not' Menma smiled, as he finally understood. he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, just trying to calm his nerves 'Okay, I know Sakura is under the bushes on my right, and Sasuke is on a tree on my left, but where are Naruto and Naruko?' Suddenly, a scream caught her attention. She acted quickly and Jumped off the tree, he ran toward bushes in the direction he assumed the voice came from.

And upon arriving there, Menma saw an unconscious Sakura lying on the ground. he instantly ran towards her, knelt beside her, and checked her condition "A Genjutsu" he told himself. Placing his front finger on Sakura's forehead, he pumped a small bit of chakra into his and dispelled the Genjutsu.

After a few seconds, Sakura's eyes quickly fluttered open "Sasuke-Kun!" She cried out before she was shut down.

"Haruno shut up!" Menma said quickly coverings Sakura's mouth to stop her from shouting anymore and giving their position away to Kakashi or her mother. "Whatever you saw earlier, it wasn't real it was a Genjutsu. For God's sake, keep your voice down" After receiving a positive response from Sakura, he removed his hand from her mouth "Ok Haruno, I think I have figured out the meaning behind the test and I—" she said before she was interrupted by Sakura.

"Why should I help you?" Sakura asked quietly.


"Go away! I could probably pass this test by myself" Sakura said, interrupting her again. She got up and left god knows where. Seems like she still had some arrogance in her.

Menma got angry "Argh! Stupid Fangirl!… I'm beginning to see why Dad and Mom hate them so much," he said to himself "Now, where is Sasuke ?"

Standing up, he searched for Sasuke and found her facing Kakashi. Seems like he was too late.

To be continued.
Authors Note:

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