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"Get back here" I whispered shouted

"You can't catch me" Ivy sung

I punched Travis in the arm out in anger, "that hurt! What was that for?"

"This is all your fault Travis! You were supposed to keep an eye on her"

"It's kinda hard to when someone is running away from you and hiding" he argued back

"Guys! She's running!" Drey pointed towards Ivy

With one more punch to Travis's arm. I took off after Ivy with Drey and Travis behind me. The party was going great. Yuki did a great job setting it up with the help of a few friends.

There were banners, food, games, and cute lights all over the place. The party was held at night and the whole island gathered together to celebrate.

It was really nice. Everyone was singing happy birthday to me. Even though we didn't have cake, Zero knew my favorite food was rice and chicken. So he made a big bowl of the two combined and added seventeen candles to it.

I was surprised I even got presents. A lot were stuff people had made from scrap, which I absolutely adored and cannot wait to put it up in my room.

Some were just little things that I appreciated. No one needed to get me anything. I've never had this much stuff in any of my past holidays combined.

It unfortunately started going downhill after a few drinks. I decided why not drink on this special occasion. Even though I'm not the one to drink. I did anyway.

Getting a little tipsy. Ivy joined in and apparently had way more than I thought. Chan, being the bigger person, told Travis to keep an eye on Ivy since she was just going wild.

Running around, screaming at the top of her lungs. It was funny at first until she ran off into the jungle. Not thinking straight. I went after her.

Ignoring everyone's calls behind me. I followed wanting to save my new bestie from the monster in the jungle. Or making sure she wouldn't get lost in the jungle.

Chan was with Zero and Yuki at some point. Then Ivy had the hood idea to hide. Being a little tipsy, I thought it would be funny to jump out and scare them.

Thinking I was hiding for only a few seconds. Turned out to be a lot longer than I thought. Then they were gone. Now Drey and Travis found us.

At this point I was ready to get back to the party and have a good time. Spend it with Chan. If you know what I mean.

"Dawn watch out-"

"Ow" I cried out holding my chin. Feeling hands on both my arms. I was raised up from the ground, "slow down guys. You're moving to fast"

"Dude your drunk" Travis said wiping the dirt off my clothes

"You just ate shit Dawn" Drey laughed as he held me up, "you can't even stand still"

I brought my hand to my chin and looked back at my fingers, "that really hurt guys" I whined seeing blood

"Dumbass" Travis bluntly said looking at my chin, "you tripped over your own feet and hit your chin on the ground"

Looking up at him I took a step back. Seeing him sway back and forth made me feel like I was swaying, "stop moving Travis"

"I'm not"

"We need to catch Ivy, Travis. She'll go pass the fence before you know it" Drey said wrapping an arm around my stomach

I sighed wiping the sweat off my forehead. Wearing a hoodie wasn't a good idea. It needed to come off. Trying to take my hoodie off, I stopped when Drey pushed it back down.

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