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It was now the next morning and everyone was saying their goodbyes. Like Blue said, he had got the yacht ready the next day.

We let our friends and everyone know over breakfast this morning that we would be leaving. It was honestly kinda sad.

Edwin cried, but let Drey know that he loved him no matter if he were to choose to stay or not. Of course Edwin was upset Travis and I were also leaving, but he and Drey had a special bond together.

Ivy of course was upset Travis was leaving so soon after her arrival, but she wished him the best of luck. She even gave him a kiss which he gladly returned. Zero and Yuki did their little hand shake with the boys and said their goodbyes.

Not knowing if Travis would be coming back, I could see them holding back their tears. Rose on the other hand was bawling after Travis and Drey. She pushed me off to the side since I would be coming back.

Travis even said he would miss Chan and wished him the best. I even over heard Travis say that if he were not to come back, that he wants him to take good care of me. I stop listening after that, getting too sad.

Ivan upset his buddy Drey was leaving, even though Drey announced this morning there was a good chance they would see him again. Since the talent show still never happened.

I hugged everyone of course. Getting a kiss on the head from Blue and Rose. Then when it came down to Ivan and Anastasia, the mood was a little off.

"I'm gonna miss ya ant" Ivan said giving me a hug

"I'll miss you too, but I'll be back before you know it"

I then let go of the hug and looked over at Anastasia. Wiping a tear from her eye she pulled me into a tight hug. I had a feeling they were upset I was going back to see my parents when they were possible my actual ones.

"Be careful sweetie. If you need anything, they'll contact us okay?"


With that being said we three boarded the boat and we took off. Everyone stayed on the beach waving us off until we couldn't see them no more.

This boat was s lot nicer than the one before. It was the one Chan had arrived on. We went to the living area and all took a seat.

No one spoke. We just took in what was actually happening. It all happened so quickly. Before we know it, we would land in South Korea and then take a plane back home. They said depending on if we were on the missing list, we wouldn't be able to fly so we would have to take another boat.

Either way it would be a few days till we got home. There would be a drive once we got to America. Drey picked up the remote, flipping through the channels. We haven't had t.v. In months, and I haven't even got to use my laptop yet.

"You guys aren't upset with me right?" I asked unsure of how they felt

Travis of course stayed quiet. Just watching the screen as Drey tried finding something to watch. Drey being the happy one answered first.

"Not at all. I'm excited to see mom and dad. Plus to prove to them that I was right about villains and superhero's! I can't wait to see their faces!" I laughed at his excitement

"Travis?" I asked quietly

He sighed, "it's just a lot is all. I don't know what to think right now"

"I'm sorry. I wanted to ask about going home and thought maybe you guys should have the chance to go to, if you wanted" I responded

"No need to be sorry. This day was going to come sooner or later. All I could think about last night is the reaction of my mom when I see her" Travis explained

"It's a good thing. Right?" Drey asked

"I don't know. I mean yeah, of course she'll be thrilled to see me. But when she sees me" he said motioning his hands to his body, meaning his scars "what is she going to think? She's going to go crazy"

"Once you explain everything-"

"That's the thing Drey. Superhero's and villains? She's going to put me in an insane asylum" Travis said making Drey go quiet

"Then let's deal with her last. Let's go to Dreys parents first. Then mine, then yours. We got four days till we have to go back. Enough time to explain" I said trying to calm him down

"What if she looks at me differently?" Travis quietly asked

"Bro. You must not know your mother. When your father passed and you were in a horrible state, she was there for you. When you colored your whole face yellow and it stayed like that for days, she was there for you. Told everyone she didn't care how you looked, you were her son and she loved you!" Drey went on with his speech.

It was a drawn out speech, but cute and funny. It made Travis laugh, and that made us feel a little better. Making him in a better mood, made us feel better.

"Travis she loved you. You two have been through so much together, and this isn't going to stop that. If someone loves you, they would never hurt you" I said

"You guys are right. Maybe I'm just over reacting. I haven't even asked how you are feeling Dawn?" Travis asked

"Oh me? I feel great"

"Oh whatever" Drey exclaimed "you're going home to see your mom that isn't even your real mom. Who also is an alcoholic"

"Damn dude, be a little nicer"

"It's okay Travy" I said joking by calling him his nickname "I guess I just want to know if she even tried to find me or not. Plus I have some nice clothes I could be bringing back"

"Just promise me that no matter what happens, we three stick together. We'll always be there for one another" Travis said

"Oh course dude, I love you guys"

"Yeah. Y'all are my best friends"

"Good" Travis said laying back in his seat. A wave of relief washed over all of us. We didn't know what was going to happen, but we knew we needed to stick together no matter what.

"Hey guys?"

"What's up Drey?"

"Can we go to Chick Fil A?"

"Oh my god! Yes!"


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