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Dawn POV

"We won't even be here long. Stop complaining"

"I'm not complaining Drey. All I'm saying is that we've been gone for what feels like an hour already and we've told no one that we left" I said walking faster to catch up

"Everyone is busy with work. They aren't going to stop mid shift to see what Drey and Dawn are up to" Drey said giving me the eye

I groaned in frustration. I continued to walk pass people. Smiling and saying a nice 'hello' not wanting to get many people's attention.

Which was kinda hard to do considering we were dressed differently and no one has ever seen us before. Walking through the halls, we finally got to where Drey wanted to go.

I stopped and pulled Drey down to sit in the corner chairs. Watching people go pass the door we needed to go into.

"This is not time for sitting. I thought you were feeling better?" Drey said reaching to touch my head

I smacked his hand away In annoyance, "look at how many people are around that door. We can't just waltz in there, they'll kick us out"

Looking around at my surroundings. I started to get a little anxious. I started to play with the string at the him of my jean shorts.

"Then let's go into the next room and you can glitch in there" He suggested

"No way bro" I whispered shouted, "I'm not going in there alone. It's scary"

"Oh come on Dawn" Drey whispered "everyone here is alive and well, you won't see any dead bodies like last time"

I closed my eyes and shook my head. Pushing the memory of the bags of bodies on the floor and blood splattered everywhere.

"You don't know what it's like in there. They could be operating on someone right now!" I shouted quietly

Drey started to speak but stopped and waved at an older lady a few seats down who stared at us. The lady mean mugging us, huffed and went back to reading her news paper.

"No wonder why they experimented on these people. They're complete ass hats"

"Drey be quiet. Someone could here us" I whispered frantically looking around still

Drey grabbed my hands, "Dawn just walk into that restaurant and glitch your head in there. If it's clear, open the door for me. I'll stand right there-" he pointed beside the brown metal door, "and I'll slide right in with you"

I wiggled my legs like a little kid, "why did you have to drag me into this?" I wined

"Because everyone else would have said no"

After a little more convincing I finally said yes. Walking over to the restrooms, I took a deep breath and walked into a middle stall. Thinking it would lead me in the actual back room.

I quickly peed before looking just in case. I wasn't sure what I was going to see. Someone could be laying on that metal table right now being cut open.

Jumping up and down a few time. I finally got the courage. Sticking my head through, I realized I was in the hall and no one was there.

I walked completely in the hall and waited a few seconds to see if I heard anything. It being completely silent, not even hearing the lobby right outside the door. I thought about grabbing Drey to go with me.

Rethinking that discussion, I headed down the double doors. Not wanting us both to get caught and him to having a way out.

Trying to listen passed the two double doors. There was still nothing. Glitching my head slightly through, no one was inside so I walked in all the way.

The place looked the exact same. Just clean. No tools laying around, no blood anywhere and definitely no body bags.

I notice cabinets with a frosted glass and you could tell there were jars behind them. Remembering what I had saw last time, I didn't even want to look this time.

I passed the metal table and went to the other set of doors that we never got to go through. Glitching passed them, my path was clear.

It was another hall leading to another set of doors, this time they were open. Inside seemed to be an opened room. The floor tiles were a light blue and the walls were white.

The closer I walked I notice stuff on both sides. On the left was a big black metallic machine with a little door. Getting a better look, I realized it's where you put people to cremate them.

Covering my mouth in disgust. I didn't want to be here anymore. Over to my left was a wall covered in metal doors. It was in a morgue.

Turning away quickly to get back I stopped. A man stood at the end of the hall. He wore a long white lab coat and a blue face mask.

"Oh Dawn" he tsked "I thought you would have known better"

"How do you know my name?" I asked

There's no way someone would know my name. We were years in the past. I haven't even been born yet. We're my parents even born? I didn't even know the year.

He started walking towards me and I started backing up at a fast pace. Coming in contact with the wall I screamed for Drey. The man only laughed at me.

"Your friend isn't coming. No one here can even hear you" he said looking around in amazement

He motioned for someone behind him. Two men much bigger then me walked up and grabbed my arms. Screaming, they started pulling me down the hall and towards the room I did not want to go in.

"No no no! Please!" I started crying

Pushing my feet against the floor hoping to stop them. One just grabbed me by the waist and picked my up side ways.

Slamming me onto the metal table. I started fighting them as they struggled to put the straps on me. I don't know what was wrong with me. It's like my powers just vanished.

I could no longer glitch.

A few minutes passed and the two security guards left. Leaving me and the man alone. I stopped moving around knowing I couldn't get out of the straps I was in.

My wrist and ankles were tied down. One around legs and one at my hips. The man came over and tightened the straps sending tingles down my body. He then proceeded to grab another and put it over my chest.

"Please" I cried "I didn't do anything"

Tears running down my face. My heart was beating a unhealthy speed making me feel like I was going to pass out. My chest felt heavy do to my breathing.

The man looked down at me. Moving a light over my face, I closed my eyes at the brightness. Opening them a little after getting adjusted, the man put down his mask.

"We haven't officially meet yet. My name is Christopher"


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