Chapter Twenty-six

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Before we could react, the creatures started emerging from every corner of Trollmarket. Shards of crystal and rock began to fly everywhere as trolls fought against the crystalized monsters. It was clear... The fight was on.

I barely even noticed the crystal monster that Draal had crushed beside us, my eyes were on one thing as we all raced down the stairs, with different intentions in mind.

Olivia stood still behind Blinky as he shielded her with his arms. "I suggest you get to safer ground, Olivia!"

I grabbed Olivia by the arm and pulled her to follow me, "Olivia I need to get you out of here."

"What? But I can-"

"No!" I practically dragged her away and she reluctantly followed. I drew out my sword instinctively as a precaution and ignored the rising pain above my knee.

"Phoenix, why are you being so protective I can handle one crystal troll!"

I pulled her to stop and faced her, "Because you're a kid! I am dying and I do NOT want the same thing happening to you! These guys are coming from every corner and Angor himself could even target you."

She looked down briefly, seeming to finally give in. "Okay." She looked back up letting out a gasp, then suddenly a loud crash made me whip around seeing as Aaarrrgghh had knocked down a crystal monster.

"Must protect friends." He looked up at us.

I quickly pulled Olivia into an alleyway where a few other trolls had taken shelter. She sat down on a wooden crate and set her tazer-blast down.

"Make sure you all keep quiet okay?"

Everyone nodded and I headed back out to the battlefield. I was met face to face with Claire struggling to hold back the attack of a crystal monster and immediately rushed over to help her.

My thoughts were everywhere as I froze behind the monster, Claire's cries were all I could hear, I sliced my sword through the monster, its core now cut in half lying on the ground with the rest of it.

Claire sighed, "Thanks." And ran off to help any others she could. Another crystal monster emerged from the shadows, I swung my sword, temporarily "disarming" it and breaking its core within.

My attention was pulled away when a loud crash rang out through the town. Blinky sat inside a car, cheering as Jim fought off a monster. The car flipped over, revealing Angor underneath as he stood strong and held the car above him.

I looked back at Jim who was unaware and ran as fast as I could. Grabbing his arm and pulling him to the ground, the car crashed into the monster and we both looked up.

The sound of Angor's raspy voice spoke up, "You thought I could be defeated that easily?" he continued tossing stones aside as he made his way over to us.

We stood up, slightly shaken from the fall, and planted our feet.

"You thought that your human contraption could kill me?" He yelled.

I looked down at my body, feeling every part of me shake with fear. It became hard to breathe and my vision went from blurry to clear every time I blinked. It abruptly stopped as Jim pushed me aside and sliced through a crystal monster. I looked around in a panic, now seeing dozens of crystal monsters surrounding us.

"Phoenix! Fight back!" Jim snapped.

I glanced down at my sword, feeling as if I had just awoken from a dream and fought against them. Swinging my sword wherever there were crystals, I eventually couldn't keep up and was knocked to my side as a sharp excruciating pain ran through me.

Trollhunters: The Tale From Phoenix Where stories live. Discover now