Chapter eight

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"Oh my goddess!" Mary and Darcy squealed. "Steve is totally going to ask you to the dance! I've seen how he flirts with you!" Mary giggled and squealed.

Krel and I exchanged a glance between the girls shrieks.

"I do not understand, what is this dance you speak of?" A puzzled look was shown across Aja's face as she grabbed some books from her locker.

"You're right Aja, you should be the one to ask, Claire asked Jim and I think it's cool. Besides I still think Steve is way too full of himself to ask you." Darcy made a point.

To save ourselves from getting sucked into the dance talk, Krel and I started heading to our next class, history. Aja didn't have that class with us anyways so it wouldn't do much to wait for her.

"So, what is this dance these girls speak of?" Krel turned to look at me.

"Oh, it's nothing really- the school is hosting a spring fling and some people think it's a big deal if you have someone special to go with." My vision drifted away from krel and onto some commotion in the background.

There I could see Steve running around in a freak panic, telling everyone something. As long as he didn't get me involved it'll be fine.

"Really? Is that some sort of romantic human thing people do? Like that one thing- uhh... A date?" He almost stammered to ask the full question.

I immediately blushed and panicked as I tried to find words.
"N-no not really- b-but I mean if person A were to ask person B it would be considered asking them out... I think. The only time I've gone to a dance was when my friend and I went for the hell of it. That was a long time ago though."

"I see. Maybe it's not my thing, I'm not looking forward to any human interaction." He sighed.

"Well you don't have to go, but I understand, I don't like a lot of human interaction either...were you planning on asking someone?" I opened the doors in front of us.

"No, I'd rather spend my time trying to build a daxial array!"
I found his nack for creating intergalactic machines quite amazing, but at the same time I also felt a little sad and I didn't know why. Maybe it's just me being overly sensitive about finally having some friends.

"Well I think it's cool you're trying to do that, I may still not 100% know what it is but I believe you'll do it!" I told him most of what I was thinking.

I opened the door to our class and I was met by Claire dashing out the door. I watched her slow to a stop in the middle of the hallway while Krel walked inside. She appeared to be looking for something and hesitantly walked around a corner.

"Ms. Overland, are you alright?" I looked back inside to seníor Uhl who was teaching the class.

I nodded and headed inside the class after taking one last look out the hallway. As much as I wanted to follow her I couldn't exactly do that at the moment.

I took a seat at the left, far back desk of the classroom and lifted stitch onto my lap while I listened to seníor Uhl.


The rest of class was odd in one way or another, some students left the classroom in a rush, just as Claire did. Some started mumbling to themselves in a panic and had to be excused.

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