Chapter Twenty-five

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Olivia and I made our way inside the house, I closed the door as quietly as I could and followed Olivia up the dark stairs.

She ended up stepping on a squeaky step and the kitchen light turned on, stopping us in our tracks.

"Ahem." Aunt Kristy cleared her throat.

We both slowly turned to face her from the staircase, our hearts pounding knowing we were in trouble.

"" Olivia forced a smile.

"Why weren't you answering your phones? And do you mind explaining to me why you two were gone for so long?"

I stayed silent and avoided eye contact.

"Phoenix wanted to take me out...and we lost track of time." Olivia spoke up.

"That still doesn't explain why you two didn't answer."

"Our phones died." I managed to say.

"Then we decided to head home. We're really sorry Mom."

"I'm sorry Aunt Kristy."

She stayed silent for a moment before letting out a sigh. "It's late, you should get to bed. But if I see you both back here late again you'll be grounded. It's not like you both to do that."

"Yes, Mom." Olivia continued up the stairs as I followed her. If I hadn't already wanted to cry before I certainly did now.

I went into my room closing the door behind me and turned on the light. Tossing my phone onto my bed, I pulled out my hair tie and ran my fingers through my hair. I started to take off all my accessories and paused.

I glanced over at my phone and thought. I placed my things on my desk and turned on my phone, clicking on Krel's contact.

[Do you think I can come over?'s been a weird night]

I tossed my phone back down and finished changing. Instead of pajamas, I changed into my usual clothes figuring the answer would be yes.

After changing I picked up my phone and laid back into my bed.

[Of course! Do you want Aja too?]

I smiled finding it sweet he asked.

[No... Just us if that's okay]

[Yeah that's okay, I'll see you soon<3]

I sat up, grabbing Stitch and clipping him onto my jacket. I looked at my door, knowing Kristy would still be awake at this point, and turned to my window.

I turned off my light and walked over to my window, opening it and climbing out. I made my way down to the edge of the roof and hesitated.

'I'm not really doing this, am I? Isn't this teenage rebellion? I'm a good kid why am I doing this!'

I glanced down at the ground under me and sat down.

'it's not that far...'

I tried to carefully slide down, but to my surprise a sharp pain shot through my leg. I knelt down, grasping it and trying not to make a sound.

'why didn't I expect that.'

I carefully stood up with the weird numb but painful feeling in my leg and began to walk down the sidewalk.

I felt everything flood back to my train of thought and wanted to just start crying. But I took a deep breath and bit my tongue to hold it in.

I unclipped stitch and pulled him up into a bear hug as I played with the stickers on the back of my phone that have been peeling off.

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