Chapter Twenty

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I sighed and looked up at Aja's tv that was still playing movies before checking the time on my phone.

'2:30, not too bad.' I thought to myself.
Reaching down to my water bottle on the floor I realized it was empty and sat up. I looked down at Aja on the opposite side of the bed, she cuddled luug with all four of her arms holding him tightly.

I smiled and quietly got up to leave the room. As I made my way to the kitchen I could hear the TV in the living room playing and Vex talking to himself.

I untwisted the lid to my bottle and set it under the freshwater side of the sink as I hesitantly turned it on.

The water was surprisingly quiet and I watched vex as it filled up. He yelled at the TV, surprising me in the process. He spoke to the TV like it was an actual person, it was bizarre.

I turned off the water and twisted the lid back on as I turned around. I jumped at the sight of Krel walking up to me and whispered to him.

"Krel, what are you-"
He placed a hand over my mouth and looked behind me at Vex. Staying quiet, he cocked his head to the backdoor.

Feeling slightly skeptical, I followed him quietly past Vex and over to the sliding door. He slid it open and slipped through before I did the same, looking back to make sure Vex was still glued to the TV.

"Krel, what are we doing?"

"I'm taking you to the roof." He smiled.

"I- the roof?"

"Yes, is there a problem princess?"

"I uh...actually don't like climbing up on roofs." I ran my fingers through my hair.

His smile turned into a mischievous one and before I knew it he had swept me up off my feet.

"What are you-"

"Just relax my princess, I've got you."
With his two remaining hands, he pulled us up onto the roof and walked down to the center.

I looked up at the sky and realized how much more I could see than when I looked at it past treelines. He placed me down gently and pulled me down to sit next to him.

"Wait, so what are you doing awake?" I looked over at him.

"I don't know, I just...couldn't really sleep. I'm sorry if I scared you in the kitchen." He chuckled, "What are you doing up?"

I snickered, "I have insomnia...and you didn't scare me too bad."

"The word is mediocre! Just like your brain!"
We both laughed at hearing vex from below us.

"How I didn't hear him in Aja's room I have no idea." I looked up at the sky and lay down to spot my favorite constellations.

"I so wish I had my binoculars. From my window it's a little harder to see all of the stars, not to mention the light pollution, I mean could you imagine how beautiful the sky would be, no matter where you are?"

I could see krel staring at me from my peripheral and it sent butterflies swarming in my stomach.

"It would look beautiful, but it still does. It's almost like a-"

"Dark sparkly void." I giggled

"...yes, that's exactly what it looks like." He blushed and laid down next to me as he planted a light kiss on my cheek.

I thought for a moment, then a question popped into my mind.
"Hey, Krel?"
He hummed.
"What do you like about me? That makes me so...I don't know "irresistible" I guess."

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