Chapter one

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It's currently 7:43 am here in Arcadia oaks, a sunny bright day without a cloud in the sky! I personally wasn't enjoying it, but my cousin on the other hand...

"Did you know that Clouds form when the invisible water vapor in the air condenses into visible water droplets or ice crystals? For this to happen, the parcel of air must be saturated, and if I'm correct, there should be a 67.850971% chance that exactly 27 clouds should appear today. 31 if you count small, stray clouds that you could hardly notice." My smart ass cousin, Olivia stated.

"Well, I certainly did not. Are you sure? I don't think even the smartest scientists could calculate how many clouds would appear." A black haired teen responded with a thick Irish accent.

"I'm positive, my teachers say I could be in college if I wanted to, but I refuse. I am only 9 3/4." Olivia proclaimed, pushing up her glasses.

"Right. Anyways here's your order Phoenix." The Irish boy handed me a bag of pastries.

"Thank you, Douxie." I smiled as I handed him my card.

"...say, aren't you still saving up for that costume, love?" He asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"Should you be spending so much then?" He asked handing my card back to me.
"By the time you save up enough you'll be out of school." He chuckled.

Olivia turned around," he's right you know, it'd take you roughly 2 1/2 years to save." She said, before going back to her smoothie.

"Well I can't just not pay you."

"Well then it's on the house, think of it as one of those favors I owe you for."

"Are you sure? I-i mean I have enough-"

"Don't worry about it, enjoy your treat. I'll pay for it." Douxie smiled.

I thought for a moment. I never liked when he insisted that something was on the house. But I didn't want to argue about it either.

"Fine... Thank you Doux."

"You're welcome. You two should be heading off to school now."

"Right, thanks Douxie, see you later!" I called as I rushed my cousin and I out the door.

He chuckled hearing the chime of the door. "Those girls are something else." He told himself.

"You really have to stop doing that Doux." A man said as he entered the cafe from the kitchen.

"I can't help it, sure I owe her a few favors, but she's my sister."

"One of these days you'll have to tell her." The man shrugged.


"What are the odds there'll be 5 chocolate chips on that cookie?" Olivia asked, clipping her helmet on.

"Well see for yourself." I handed her the bag, and placed my helmet on my head.

She took the cookie out and looked at the top. "Huh, guess I was off this time. By one!"

"Sometimes even geniuses make mistakes." I shrugged, hopping on my skateboard and rolling down the crosswalk.

"Hey I am no genius!" She called, starting up her electric scooter and catching up to me. "By the way, here's your cheesecake."

I took the bag from her, taking out my strawberry cheesecake from inside and getting the most delicious first bite.

Every Tuesday my cousin and I go to the cafe to get a treat before school, Olivia's go to is a strawberry smoothie and a chocolate chip cookie. I usually just get a strawberry cheesecake bar.

Trollhunters: The Tale From Phoenix Where stories live. Discover now