Chapter ten

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Jim cackled as he exited the dentists office, "finally I have it!"

"What took you so long?" I asked, still seated on his vespa.

"I may have messed around with Strickler a bit." He strode over to me.

"Well whatever else you need to do, we have T minus 9 minutes." I crossed my arms.

"That should be enough time to decide whether I give Angor his soul back..." He hesitated.

"Or wear the ring and control him?" I finished his sentence.
He scanned the stone ring that rested in the palm of his hand. He didn't even have to say anything for me to know what he was thinking.

"I don't think that's a good idea."
Ignoring me, he slipped the ring on his finger and his face went blank.
"Jim?" I waved a hand in front of him.

He suddenly removed the ring with a deep gasp before looking at me a bit panicked.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. I-i-i saw the killstone!"

"The killstone?"

"Yeah! And we can get it back! It's with Angor Rot!" He shoved the ring into my hands and climbed back onto his vespa.

"Where is he?" I held onto him.

He started up his scooter and we made our way through the city once again.
"He's in the sewers, I just need to find an entrance where I can bring my scooter in."

"I know a place! It's by my house!"

"And it's not that far! Nice call Phoenix!"

"Speaking of which, can we stop there? If this means going against Angor Rot again, I need my sword." A feeling of guilt came with the question.

"Of course! As long as you're quick!"

He sped up and dodged cars down the roads as we passed them. The knowledge of everyone frozen in place except three people started to fill my mind again. Looking around, it was like we were going at super speed and everyone was just moving really slow.

The fact Blinky specifically said only one person could be outside of time doesn't make any sense. Why only Douxie and I out of anyone else to unknowingly break the rules?

With four minutes remaining, we reached my house. I ran inside as fast as I could without hurting myself and grabbed my sword that leaned against the desk inside my room. I was back outside in a flash and slipped the sheathed blade through a loop in my jeans.

Jim continued down the road without hesitation. The closer we got to the sewers, the higher my anxiety rose. I reached down to rest my hand on stitch as I held onto Jim with my other. I was sure he could feel my heart beating faster and faster.

He drove the vespa down a small hill and into an opening of a dried out sewer. The smell outside of it was bad enough that I didn't dare imagine how dreadful it smelled farther down the tunnel. Jim made no hesitation entering it, his mind was set and there was no going back.

I knew how important this killstone was to him. It was a key to unlocking a new power in his armor and he's only managed to find a few so far. We found this one previously but ended up loosing it to Angor Rot during a battle with a Floridian troll.

With all the turns he was making I was worried we'd get lost, but he seemed to know where he was going.

"How much time do we have left?"

I pulled out my phone and checked the stopwatch, "T minus 2 minutes."

He sighed and revved the engine to speed up. We had just turned down the tunnel when i spotted Angor Rot. I felt Jim tense up and could tell he was more terrified than he led on.

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