chapter nine

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"So, do you think we could tell Aja?"

"Tell her what, exactly?" Krel's vibrant blue blush filled his cheeks as we sat atop of the playground roof.

"That you told me about your secret...? What else would we tell her?" I suddenly got the idea of what might have come to his mind.

"Oh right! Yes, totally!" He chuckled, "definitely not anything else!" He looked away from me as he tried to hide his flustered side.

"Did you think I was talking about the..." I trailed off knowing he would get the idea.

"Maybe, yes? Do you want to tell her?"

"No! No," I let out a nervous laugh, "I really don't want to. I honestly don't know where my head was when it happened, I just looked at you and..." I looked into his black and blue eyes as I trailed off my rant about something that happened a few nights ago.

"You know... It felt right." He admitted under his breath.

I could only agree. I could only get lost by staring at him. The thought that this could be something more rang in my head, dating an ET is something unheard of but the idea of it felt normal. I started to notice myself admiring all of his features and thoughts started to fill my head.

"What are you thinking about?"

I looked into his eyes once again, the undying urge to kiss him appeared again. These feelings were undoubtedly signs of having a crush, but even this felt more than a crush.
"You." I let out, not even realizing.

His face became a darker shade of blue and his eyes went anywhere but me. He sighed and laid his eyes back on me.

"I think this is what the humans call a crush." He placed a hand on the back of his neck and smiled shyly.
"I honestly never thought I'd feel like this. I would always be unbothered by the thought but... You have seemed to change my mind."

I inhaled deeply, unable to believe anything that was happening. Krel did just admit feelings to me right? My mind was clouded with thoughts I could hardly form a sentence.

"So...what does this mean?" I turned my face to the empty night sky.

"I don't know...but I just want us to see where this goes." He hesitated, "I should probably start heading home now... Could I walk you home?"

I nodded, my gaze still to the sky.
Krel had already climbed off the playground before turning his eyes up to me. "You coming?"

I reluctantly took my eyes off the sky and slid off the roof. I misstepped as I landed in front of Krel and I ended up leaning against him as I failed to catch my balance. I felt an arm around me as he asked if I was okay, with a nod I pulled myself off of him and looked at the ground.

Ceilings, plaster

I held onto his hand and we left the old playground, not saying a word as we walked down the road.

Can't you just make it move faster?

I wanted to talk to him, but my mind was corrupted by the thought of kissing him.

Lovely, to be sitting here with you

I looked up to him and thought, what if we happen? Is this what it's like in love?

You're kinda cute but it's raining harder

I couldn't help but be memorized by him, weather if it was in class or right now. There was something about him that just drew me near.

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