Chapter Eleven

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It was afternoon and the four of us were walking home. Aja was riding my skateboard and Olivia drove her scooter ahead of us while Krel and I stayed behind watching them.

"So I was wondering if you'd like to come over today...I could show you the ship." Krel asked a bit nervously.

"Really? What about the other Akiridion?"

"You mean vex? Aja said he's out doing his "geezer thing". You should be fine, and if I'm being honest...I think Mother would love you." He placed a hand on the back of his neck.

"Then... Okay, yeah! I'd love to come."

"Great!" He giggled. "I was thinking... Could we make that little park our hang-out spot?"

The question caught my attention. I didn't realize he liked that old area.
"S-sure! We can do that!"

"Really? Thank seklos." He chuckled.

We fell into that nice silence while Aja and Olivia laughed in the distance. They seemed to get along so was sweet.

"How's your ankle?" Krel broke the silence.

"Oh, it's good, they both are. The older one is gone now actually!"

"That's good! I'm glad they are working!"

We all came to a stop in front of my house. Olivia turned off her scooter and walked it up into the garage while Aja carried my skateboard up.

"Are you coming, Phoenix?" Olivia hollered from up the driveway.

"I'm actually going to the Tarron's house, can you tell Aunt Kristy?"

She nodded and skipped down with Aja before hugging me goodbye.

"You know, I'd love to see your house too one day. You guys seem cool." Olivia hesitated before heading inside the house.

"Maybe we could tell her too. She's like a little testing human, she would love to find out extraterrestrials are real!" Aja grinned.

"Maybe later Aja. We still need to calmly introduce Phoenix to vex first."

"Calmly?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah...Varvatos still doesn't want you to know about us." Aja sighed and we continued walking down the sidewalk.

"That's understandable, I mean if you trust the wrong person so many things could go wrong."

"Are some humans really that bad?"

"And some are worse. I just hope you two don't have to meet any while you're here."

"That's sweet of you Phoenix. Thank you." Said krel.

We turned the corner of the neighborhood where their house... Or their ship was located. I laughed to myself about the time Eli spied on them. We crossed the street and Aja practically ran over to the front door.

"I can't wait to show you my human room! It's so lively!" Aja giggled.

I smiled at her excitement. Krel and I entered the home and it looked very retro. I could tell some things were maybe from the 80s while other things were more up-to-date.

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