I also noticed tendencies that were either new or missed when it came to Charles. His family dynamic I understood more, his choice of hobbies was far more adventurous than I could have imagined, he was the most organized person ever, and I was learning he was a terrible sleeper.

I always figured his body was adjusting to time zones and new places, but we were close to spending every night together since I moved 10 days ago. Whether we were at his place or mine, he never fell asleep first. I would often wake up an hour or two after falling asleep. If he was in bed, he would be staring at the ceiling. The other times, I would catch him on the porch with a book in his lap. It didn't seem to impact his energy, but I imagined he had to be exhausted.

I heard the knock on my door that got me off the couch. It was time to host at my home for the first time. I opened the door to the Leclercs smiling as always. I had met all of them individually now, but this was the first time they were all together. Pascale walked in first pulling me in to a tight hug. I had met her one other time.

"Florence, it's beautiful," she said looking around my place. I thanked her as she walked off to look around at everything. Arthur came next, and at this point, we knew each other the most in terms of Charles family. We had spent many race weekends hanging around one another now.

"We're glad to have you in Monaco. Enjoy the no taxes," Arthur said grabbing me into a hug.

I chuckled at him pulling away. "You'll have to show me some of your favorite places this week."

"Only if you promise to play some tennis with me," Arthur said punching me in the shoulder lightly as he followed his mom to look around. Next was Lorenzo who was balancing two large platters of food. We had met twice, and he had a calming presence that I enjoyed having around.

"Look who is in Monaco," he smiled. I grabbed a tray from him, offering a hello as we both walked to the kitchen. "Does it feel like home yet?"

"Mmm, not quite but my biking skills have improved significantly."

"You wear a helmet right, the drivers here are crazy."

"I do, working on Charles to wear one too," I said.

Lorenzo smiled as we heard more commotion from the living room. "Good luck with that, I've been trying for years," he chuckled.

We heard Charles walk in and left the kitchen. Charles was carrying my dad's luggage as they both entered. "We're home," Charles yelled.

After giving my dad a hug, everyone joined at the dinner table where Charles and I brought out the food that we prepared and the appetizers Lorenzo brought. I was taking it all in. It had always just been my dad and I for moments like this, and to have the dynamic of three brothers and their mom made the energy more chaotic but warmer.

I was quiet studying the people in front of me. I knew they had lost an essential member of the family as well, but I couldn't help but admire what they had. The brothers always teasing each other, laughing, or sharing old stories. Their mom was quiet but sweet, giggling with her sons that adored her. I looked over at my dad who was enjoying himself as well. He was in an expressive conversation with Lorenzo while sipping on wine.
While I loved what my dad and I shared as family, this was something unfamiliar to me. It was warm, energetic, and comfortable. Even though I loved takeout over a board game with my dad, this felt far more what I imagined family gatherings to be. Charles joined in the conversation with my dad, his head leaning back while they all laughed at something Lorenzo had said.

"Are you all right dear," Pascale said leaning into me starting a separate conversation from the table.

I looked at Charles mom, letting a smile form on my face. "It's just nice. Watching my dad enjoy himself. Seeing your beautiful family dynamic." I offered up.

"And hard at the same time?" Pascale said raising her eyebrows at me. I nodded, Pascale knowing what I was feeling without even having to say it. "It's a beautiful sadness isn't it?"

"Yes," I breathed out trying not to tear up. "Looking around I want nothing more than to have this with my own family one day," I shared.

Pascale grinned leaning closer with her voice low. "Is this your way of telling me I have grand babies on the way finally," her voice playful while giving me a wink that looked just like Charles.

"Not yet," I giggled.

"Shoot," Pascale sighed leaning back. "You have a the right idea though," she said earning a curious look from me. "Children can heal you more than you think. My boys remind me of my husband everyday, and they bring me so much happiness. When we are all with one another, it can feel like the whole family is together sometimes."

I nodded taking in her words.

"You and your dad seem close too," Pascale smiled.

"We are on many levels. It's just different because it's the two of us. We made it work, and it has made us closer. Now that I see it so closely, I love the idea of siblings."

Pascale gave me a sad smile and seemed to be at a loss for words for a moment.

"Maybe more grandkids then. Good news for you," I said jokingly. Pascale smiled and let out a laugh grabbing a hold of my hand.

"Oh Florence, please no teasing," her smile big while I laughed with her.

While I was enjoying my conversation, my attention was pulled to the other side of the table. Charles asked if my dad would join him for a walk after dinner. Charles noticed he had gotten my attention with that question and gave me a wink across the table. What surprised me more was my dad accepting without a second thought.

As dinner came to a close, Pascale excused herself home with Lorenzo. Arthur and I began cleaning up after dinner, as my dad and Charles prepared themselves for a walk.

My dad was staying at Charles for the weekend because it had an extra bedroom, so they went ahead and grabbed his luggage to go over there. I hugged my dad goodnight, and I noticed he didn't seem to be bothered at Charles question, so I did my best not to worry about it while I scrubbed the pots and pans.

"You're not getting engaged are you," Arthur said as he brought in more plates from the living room.

"Please," I chuckled throwing my dish towel at him.

"I'm sure it's nothing," Arthur smiled. "Now scooch , let me help you," he said as we continued to clean.

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