Chapter 4: Plan in Action

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Yus' PoV

I stood over the base looking far into the distance, the sun seems to be already setting and the light that previously embraced the land was replaced by a shade of black slowly growing over the grass, i couldn't make up much of it except for what the dim light allowed me

Yus: Talk about think this Faction was presumed destroyed...

Amelia: "What a surprise, to think you'd be here" Amelia called out coming to my side, staring into the horizon with me to share the view with one another

Yus: "How's the crew? Everyone ready?" I asked with wonder, wanting to make sure we had everything to enter the battlefield as soon as we were ready

Amelia: "Yeah...most of them are ready, i finished my part so now we're waiting for Hana's signal to roll out, in the meantime i thought of joining you up here" She said with a chuckle at the end, pulling a heart locket from her shirt to stare at it

Of course i couldn't pretend like i hadn't seen it with it's golden glow making it obvious, so i decided to ask about it to get a topic going

Yus: "What's that locket for? A lover?" Amelia shook her head with a smile at my joke question, opening the locket to show it's insides

In the locket a blue stone made it's presence noticeable with a faint glow, i could tell by the immense concentration of Essence that it was no normal stone

Amelia: "This is my Unisence...the first made by Hisako and handed to me, a reminder of the day when he aided us against the Gods in that war..."

Yus: "So this isn't the first time you've fought Gods at all, as i suspected..." I said taking a wild guess, i was still unknowing of their past after all, best i could do is guess what was going on

Amelia: "No, it isn't..." She closed the locket and shook her head, looking up at me to meet my gaze and ask a question "I know this might be a lot to ask, but...would you mind if you and Hana go out after this battle's over?"

Yus: "Go out? As in...hanging out?"

Amelia: "Something of the sort. Hana said she wanted to speak about some things with you, so if possible, i'd like for you to look over her for me okay?" Without a further explanation, she hit my arm playfully and walked past me not awaiting for my response "She'll tell you more later, lets meet sometime after we're done with the fight!"

I was left alone to see the land on my own after that, assuming that she went to get done whatever she still needed to do before we went out to the battlefield

End: "What a surprise..." Said End in my mind, a chuckle coming from him that made me sigh to it

Yus: "I wonder what it is about"

Cyte: "My Pillar" Cyte's monotone voice suddenly spoke from my side, making me realize how i had barely noticed my surroundings if she got to me so silently

Yus: "A-ah...hi Cyte, what's up?"

Cyte: "Allow us to go, it is time to enter the field" I made up from her words that everyone was ready to leave, and so was i, this would be a great battle to see

Yus: "Right...lets go, there's no time to lose"

Timeskip - 3rd Person PoV

Yusuru and the battlefront brought from the headquarters hid within the darkness of the now fallen night. Yus and Aoi stood side by side over a hill near the place where Yuna had been seen, the others surrounding the place to get ready for an imminent attack

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