Chapter 4: Magic and Bullets. Invading Battlefront

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Yus' PoV

Yus:"HA!" I shouted as my blade crashed with the gun of my opponent while he took out a second gun and attempted to shoot at me, i jumped back and deflected the bullet with one quick move of my blade as i stood in place with my sword in a fight stance

E.Mazoku:"FEND THIS ONE OFF! NOVA DESTRUCTOR!" His guns loaded in energy as he pointed them at me, charging an attack in them

Yus:"I got this..." He shot the beam through the guns, aiming to kill with the concentrated pulse that was incoming as i growled, putting End infront of me to block it. The attack clashed with End and made me back away a bit by the beam pushing

I at last managed to deflect the beam, but just as i did, Mazoku emerged from what remained and shot at my hand, hitting and making me lose grip of End. After that i fell backwards thanks to a kick from his part, then a gun pointed at my head as he smiled above me

E.Mazoku:"Your time is now, Pillar of Creation Yusuru" Were his words before- without giving a chance to escape -he shot at my head


Spooky:"So i was thinking it-"

Yus:"AHH!" I shouted as i woke up in a bed, startling everyone in the room while i held End pointing him at Yuika who yelped in fear and raised her hands

Yuika:"I-i give up!" She said in fear, shaking scared from my sudden move

Aoi:"Woah oi oi, relax there Yus, you're okay" Said Aoi to calm me down, managing so after i noticed the room i was in


Spooky:"You fainted after using Yoshika's Litenfolt, i understand why you're so surprised"

Aoi:"We were just now figuring out what happened"

I lowered my sword and disappeared it

Yus:"Sorry Yuika, it must've been that nightmare..." Yuika nodded accepting my apology

Yuika:"I understand"

Aoi:"That girl you faced was fierce, you got me unaware when you slid over her beam like if it was snow skiing!" Complimented Aoi with excitement

Spooky:"What has me surprised and confused is the fact he summoned Litenfolt" That indeed was a surprise, even to me...

Yus:"It just appeared infront of me when i was refusing to accept my death...i couldn't take it and i didn't want to die there..."

They looked at each other, either believing or being in doubt

Spooky:"Ignoring that for said you had a nightmare right? Those have been really normal lately" I shrugged in response

Yus:"It just has happened..."

Spooky:"You never told us what they were about either, you know you can tell us anything right?"

After a nod from my part, Aoi stood up

Aoi:"I'll tell Oka and the others you're awake now, you two stay here" With her order for the duo and me, she left through a door onto the other side

Yus:"What's the plan today?" I asked while Yuika got me a cookie, which i didn't doubt on munching

Spooky:"We don't know, our test of strength was done back there so for now we just wait for Oka's instruction for any other mission" Spoke up Spooky, placing a hand on her chin

Oka...that brings something to my mind...

Yus:"Oka acted strangely when Kaza revealed her name..."

Spooky:"That had me worried too, she seemed troubled and worried over Kaza" Followed Spooky my idea, she was the first to notice it after all

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