Chapter 3: Faith and Creation. The Armed Meteor's Member

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Yus' PoV

Everyone left the base underground, going again to the main headquarters- without Mazoku as Oka was just explaining us

Oka:"No one knows Mazoku is beneath, so me and Kugawa made them believe that he was just lost, while we got the orders from him and we passed them down to everyone else"

Spooky:"So that's why it's said he hasn't returned, i spoke to some of the other members and they all said he was gone" Supported Spooky the idea of the Guardian

Oka:"Well i mean, who wouldn't believe such thing after that much time passed right? Then the Crimson Meteors and yada yada yada..."

Understanding her explanation, we were brought infront of a battlefield where we saw some of the members fighting each other with all kinds of weapons

Yuika:"W-what's this place?" Asked Yuika with a bit of fear

Oka:"The Headquarters' fields of training, made specifically to continue our purpose and get special training from the elite, or just to do friendly matches!" Explained quickly the Guardian as she presented the field, showing the many people in encounters with their tools and weapons

Yus:"So what are we here for?"

Kugawa:"To fight and prove yourselves, i was already informed of the situation and i'm willing to help" His voice ringed on us while he got close, holding his spear of water in hand

Oka:"Perfect! Now you all go into the arena and lets see this unfold!" She clapped cheerfully seeing us getting ready

Aoi:"I'll go, one on one right?" Oka and Kugawa nodded in unison

Aoi and Kugawa stepped inside the field, where they wielded their weapons of choice and got in position. Oka took out a gun from the star symbol on her jacket and pointed at the sky

Oka:"Fair match you two! Any hit is allowed as long as it is non-lethal, go wild but not so much! A barrier has already been placed around the field so feel free to go at it!"

As she finished her words, the two nodded in confirmation accepting the conditions and the encounter

Oka:"And...begin!" She shot her gun to the air, making a loud noise that made them jump to each other, beginning their encounter

Dusk:"It does make you wonder who would win, a spear wielder or an archer...both are from different Factions so it's hard to tell" Spoke Dusk to all of us- excluding Oka

Spooky:"One is from the Faction of Faith and the other from Light and Dusk, power levels aren't so equal among all Factions"

Yoshika:"It will prove who's more powerful, a unit from Faith or a unit from Light and Dusk"

Oka:"Oh and after this, Spooky goes against me! If Kugawa loses of course!" Brought us back Oka with her words

Yuika:"I can't fight...i'm always support..." Spoke up clearly the fox girl behind us, getting Oka to giggle

Oka:"I should've guessed! You can aid Spooky or Yusuru in the next fights, i'll face both as they're Pillars!" Talked-shouted the excited pink haired girl, somehow the others not hearing

Spooky:"I can take on you on my own!"

Oka:"If you say so! What about you Yusuru?" She turned to me expectingly

Yus:"I should be alright too...Yuika can cheer from the sidelines" Even if that sounded rude, Yuika quickly nodded agreeing with the idea

Oka:"It is settled!"

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