Chapter 12: Leap of Faith. The End of the Beginning

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3rd Person PoV - Some Minutes Ago

Filaters kept incoming from all fours, the trio was barely keeping them at bay hitting down any that got close

Spooky:"Tch, i didn't think there were that many, did Hisako make them!?" Asked-shouted the mage in red

Aoi:"I heard they came from another land, it's really likely!" Answered the archer as she shot an explosive arrow to take down a few more enemies

Spooky:"Where's the help when you need it!"

Yuika:"JUMP!" As soon as she gave the sign, the trio jumped over two Filaters that tried to bite them from the sides

Aoi pointed her arrow to the ground as Spooky appeared a red magic circle behind her



Both shouted their attacks, shooting spells and arrows to the ground which then blew up in a wide area to destroy the Filaters all around them, making it safe to stand in again

Yuika:"That should do it..."

Spooky:"Guess we don't need help after all!"


The word ringed on Aoi's mind for a moment, making her react by turning to where the other fight was taking place

Aoi:"NOLAN!" She shouted as she dashed towards the location of her little brother and the Guardian of Faith

Yuika:"Aoi! W-wait up!" Yuika and Spooky ran behind Aoi to catch up

They ran for a good while shooting down any Filater that got in the way, spending energy on both running and killing their opponents which didn't really leave them with a lot of energy for the end. After a long run, they arrived to the place where Kazuki was fighting off Hisako while Nolan kept the Filaters at bay

Aoi:"Nolan! Kazuki! We're here!" Shouted Aoi while her and the other two arrived to the location, making the two turn

Nolan:"Oh, sister!" Waved Nolan to his older sister

Kazuki:"We kinda need some help her-! WOAH!" He parried an attack from Hisako's corrupted claw


Spooky held her staff with anger as she stared at him

Spooky:"He's everything but my brother now...betrayed me and every Pillar for more power...and corrupted every of our friends, i'm NOT forgiving him..." A magic circle appeared behind her, getting ready to strike

Yuika:"Spooky wait! We can't hurt Hisako in our current state!"

Spooky:"Tch!" She calmed herself down to Yuika's words, she was right after all, most of her powers were lost with her long time sleep and the incident of corruption

Hisako missed a last attack to Kasuki, which made him look at the other three and chuckle

Hisako:"Well well well, what do we have here? I thought you had run least that Creator faker guy ran away" He said with a smirk

Yuika:"H-he'd never run from you!"

Kazuki:"HISAKO!" Shouted Kazuki running towards the corrupted Pillar with anger, his spear charged in energy

Hisako:"Ugh, a pain in the back..." Hisako casually stopped the spear's blade with his bare claw, then punches Kazuki's gut and threw him away like nothing towards a bunch of trees

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