Chapter 1: Waking into an Unknown Land

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Yus' PoV

I could hear the sound of the wind hitting the window near me, making a sound loud enough to wake me up as every morning, however this time i felt a sharp pain on my right arm that barely let me move it...even i could tell this wasn't how a normal morning would go

Yus: What happened...where..?

My memories were foggy and i could barely recall something, but even i could tell that i didn't fall asleep in any bed with an injury that hurt this bad. I sat up with all the strength i had remaining feeling weak enough to barely sit up, then held my head in pain trying to remember what happened

Yus: "How did..."

???: "You woke up as estimated, i'm glad you remain with minimal damage, my Pillar" A familiar yet unknown voice spoke as some steps drew in from an opened door, coming in a girl with light blue hair and unusual clothes holding a glass on her hand

Yus: "You- ugh..." Even with my current energy to get up, i found myself unable to speak without feeling sick, a strange pain i couldn't recognize regardless of how far i looked into my medicine knowledge

???: "Please refrain from further speech, take this first" She got the glass close to my mouth, knowing i couldn't move my hands to reach for it. Without the will to fight back even if it was poisoned, i drank the glass' contents until it was empty and until she retrieved her hand, standing straight again "Now, can you speak?"

I somehow began feeling a lot better thanks to whatever that was, able to move my body freely except for my right arm which was still feeling heavy, but i ignored it and sat straight to try to speak

Yus: "...what was in that?"

???: "A tea made with herbs cultivated from the gardens of our Faction, my Pillar, it's rejuvenating effects can regain the consumer's energy and strength in a total of seventy percent, it's usually a lot more bitter, but i learned a trick for that" She placed the glass down on a table nearby, standing once again in the same position as before

Yus: "That that's not important, what's this about a Faction? Where am i? I don't remember how i got here..." I held my head in pain again, everything was clouded but with enough time i managed to catch small glimpses of what happened

???: "I see...Light must've hit you too hard, those lightning bolts are too strong for the human mind after you recall anything with this?" The girl reached for a radio that appeared on her hand out of thin air, playing a familiar tune in it that were extremely familiar as if i had been there

Yus: "I...wait a moment...didn't that just happen? I think i remember..." My head began hurting even more with everything coming back to me eventually reminding me of my purpose and situation "...i can hear it, that's Aoi's voice, we played together in the Faction of Waves, a nice way to spend our time after freeing three Factions together...hold on a moment-"

With everything coming back to me, i recalled the girl's identity infront of me and fell back on the bed crawling backwards to get away from her in case of any impending danger. She looked at me for a moment and turned around, thinking there might be something

???: "Is something the matter? Did you see someone?"

Yus: "Uh, you!? You tried to kill me!"

???: "A mistake, i did not try to kill you, i tried to knock you out cold with high frequency bolts from a railgun" She replied with honesty and not a hint of holding herself back in her monotone voice

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