Embarrassing Obsession

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3rd person:

Fey is a 42 year old single mother. She was Asian. She is strict because of how her mother treated her when she was young. She is really successful and owns a huge company. Her daughter is in a private school only for the rich.

Mika is a 14 year old teenager. She is half Asian and half American. Her mother is really strict. She was never allowed to call her mother "mom" so she got used to it. She was forced to study really hard and anything under 90 is a failure. She is lactose intolerant but her mother keeps forgetting.

One day, Fey gave Mika a glass of milk before school. Any other days, Mika was fully awake so she would correct Fey and she would give her something else. Today, Mika was EXTREMELY exhausted from finishing her huge project all night. Mika didn't notice the milk at all and drank the whole glass.

Mika's POV:

After several minutes of walking, I finally arrived at school. I placed my stuff in the lockers and I went to my best friend, Wendy. She was British and was forced to always be polite. Other than that, she had a wonderful life.

"Good morning, Wendy. "
W: "Hello, Mika. Delighted to meet you today. "
"Wendy, you know you could talk normally here, right? "
W: "Sorry. Just a habit! "
"Don't worry! Anyways.. Are you finished with your project? "
"W: Of course! It took really long but it was worth it! "
"Yeah.. " Grgllllgll.. My stomach growled.

W: "Mika, was that you..? "
"Sorry.. I didn't get enough breakfast this morning! " I lied. My stomach was filled with pain.

W: "Oh.. Don't worry, today's lunch is going to fill you up! "
"Heh.. Oh... It's almost class! We better get going. "
W: "Oh, right. See you! "
"See you later..! "

That was strange. My stomach never acted like that before.. I ignored my stomach and went to class.

Time went by.

I was in class when all of a sudden, a sharp pain in my stomach appeared. I felt really gassy. I tried my best to hold it but a loud fart escaped from my butt. BRAAPP.. My face turned red. Everyone was staring at me and I was panicking. I suddenly have the urge to poop and my teacher doesn't let anyone go to the bathroom.

1 hour later. I got more desperate and I was holding my stomach like my life depended on it. Another fart escaped from my butt. Pffftt.. It was a long one but at least it's silent. My teacher asked us to write some stuff down so I grabbed my notebook and started writing.

30 minutes later, I was still holding my stomach. Sweat was covering my face. My perfect handwriting started to get messy. I started shaking. I was desperate for a bathroom but there is no chance. I had to deal with it when my stomach growled louder than ever. GRLRGLLLGLL.. At that moment, I was really red and I was on the edge.

27 minutes later, I feel the log of poop on the edge of my hole. It really wants out. I held my butt while still writing with my other hand. 'Come on.. Huff Only 3 minutes left... Huff I can do it..! ' I whispered softly while breathing heavily. 2 minutes later, I was still suffering. 'Just.. Huff one.. More.. Minutes.. Huff ' I whispered again while breathing heavily.

The bell FINALLY rang and I quickly rushed to the bathroom. My heart shattered when I realized all of them were occupied. Knock knock "Are-- you finished..? " Silence. "Please.. I'm about to explode.. " I said quietly.

Later, a stall FINALLY opened and I rushed into the open stall but it was too late. I locked the doors but I didn't realize that it didn't lock properly. Suddenly, logs started coming out making a huge bump on my white panties. "No, no, no, no, no..! Ah..!" I mumbled as brown mushy diarrhea started flowing. My bladder emptied itself out making a huge puddle and a huge wet spot on my panties. I started crying silently while diarrhea is running down my legs. Diarrhea started overfilling my panties and started dripping on the ground.

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