A Child's Desperation

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Rai is a 9 year old girl. She isn't potty trained but she has a strong bladder and bowel. She usually cries when she made a mistake and she's shy. One day, her dad asked her to buy a can of soda. Here's when things get a little messy..

"Excuse me sir! Can I please buy this can of soda? " Rai asked the shopkeeper
"Of course! That would be $0.53 "
"Here you go! "

She paid for the soda and walked back home. Her house was pretty far away. Grrrlll.. Her stomach growled. Rai hasn't pooped in 3 days and she's been holding her pee since yesterday. She ignored it and continued to walk back home like usual.

A few moments passed. Her stomach started to get even more upset and she released a huge fart. BRTTT!.. She started to leak and held herself. She kept walking slowly when someone bumped into her. It just made Rai even more desperate and held herself both ways.

Rai was still walking. She's still far away from her house. Rai feels strange. She has never been this desperate, she was holding herself tighter than ever. A loud fart escaped. BRTTTTTT! It smelled horrible and she started to leak even more.

She wasn't any closer to her home and finally couldn't take it anymore. Her poop was at the edge of the hole. Just one more move and it will come out. She took her last step and a little bump started to form on her back. "Mmh.. Ahh... Nghh..! " She pushed harder and her poop finally came out. It wasn't done there. Pee started coming out and the unexpected came. It wasn't just a poop. Diarrhea started flowing out like a chocolate fountain.

"A-ah..! Mngh... " sniff sniff she moaned softly then cried. Tears started filling her eyes and diarrhea started overfilling her pink panties. She held her stomach tightly while crying. She wanted to call her dad but she was far from home. Sniff sniff "I-I.. I want daddy-..! " her voice started cracking. It was still coming out and the bumps got even larger. Golden pee was running down her legs like a river and diarrhea was falling out like chocolate.

Her stomach finally emptied out but she kept crying. This was her first time messing herself. Well, first time in 5 years at least.. She was uncomfortable with her messed panties but she had no choice. She ran home uncomfortably and knocked on the door.

Her dad opened the door and noticed her messed panties. "Honey.. Did you..? " Her dad asked.

"D-d-daddy..! P-please don't be mad b-but.. I pooped and peed myself because I couldn't hold it anymore and I- and.. And..!" Sniff sniff she said with tears filling her face.

"Don't worry. Let's get you cleaned up" Her dad said as he carried Rai to the bathroom.

They got in and Rai took off her brown stained panties and gave it to her father to wash. She also took off her clothes and got in the bathtub like his father said. Her dad helped her clean herself up and Rai's dad gave Rai a clean blue panty to wear.

After, her dad brought her to the living room. "Sweetheart.. Next time, don't hold it in if you need the bathroom. " he said while hugging his daughter. "I-I will daddy..! " she said to her dad while smiling.

At the end of the day, they left the incident in the past and Rai hasn't made an accident since.

(Thank you for reading!)

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