Chapter 4 - Part 1

Start from the beginning

Camiel rubbed his chin, this story reminded him of something. "I know of another tree that doesn't lose its leaves, but it's far away, very far from these lands. How long has your Jalme been in these conditions?"

Something, in the man's words, intrigued his instincts. During his journey through the Oath Valley, he had been awakened in the middle of the night by a massive amount of Seorite, only emitted for a few moments; then nothing. He was wandering in the dark on his hunting mission and decided to leave no stone unturned. "I think I'll go take a look. Where is it?"

"Past the west gate. You can't miss it, it's on the hill overlooking the path," the man explained. He sighed and ended with a sharp cough.

"I'll be here before evening. I have another hundred gold coins for you, but only if you can find information about the Seorite." Camiel followed him and the man opened the door for him.

"Well, have a good day and good luck with your search." The innkeeper closed himself in, immersed in the shadows, and after checking the road, he gave the key two turns.

Camiel slipped through the market crowd and took a bumby road, avoiding a smelly puddle on the right side, but almost stepped into another one not far away. He shook his head and held his breath until he reached the clock square. He took a deep breath: not that much had changed. He quickened his pace, slipped into the main street and reached the west gate.

There, some residents of Lud were engaged in a strange pilgrimage on the path outside the walls. Everyone had flowers in tow: he walked past them quickly.

To the right, a completely bare, giant tree stood. The red leaves lay on the ground, filling the surrounding ground like a carpet of blood. The naked tree seemed like a newborn baby to him. An old lady had difficulty climbing the path through the weeds. Camiel took the heavy basket from her hands and offered her his arm for support.

At the top of the hill, many residents were placing flower wreaths and small crafted creations at the base of the skeletal tree. He was sure, as were others present in that place: that oak was dead.

Nobody spoke, but everyone kept their gaze lowered, enclosed in their own prayers. Camiel witnessed a true memorial and didn't have the courage to break the silence.

He decided to approach the trunk to touch its dry, leathery bark. He caressed it and realized that it would be enough to pull it off to get a good portion. He walked around it, avoiding the roots and the various gifts stacked up.

"It has been deprived of its vital energy," he whispered with a curious expression. He looked around the surrounding area to find a clue, but to his surprise, the ground was healthy and the grass grew naturally among the fallen leaves. The tree's death had been a simple coincidence.

"A dead end," he whispered. "The Kharzanians didn't reduce it to this state."

He looked up, towards the furthest branches, nothing was left alive attached to them. Disappointed, he saluted the tree with reverence and left the hill to return inside the walls of Lud. Camiel had avoided Edel's soldier patrols during the past days, but now he thought it was time to find out what they knew. He mixed in with the merchants, until he identified three men in green uniforms. After speaking with the Lamia knights, they took a secondary route, and Camiel followed them.

During the walk, he listened as they complained about a hive, they seemed bitter about not being able to attend a certain event because of their mission. Camiel continued to follow them when they explored the southern neighborhoods of the city and continued along the road that would take them to the east exit of Lud. He approached as closely as he could with great caution, but the three spoke little and said nothing useful.

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