Intro - Breaking Benjamin
An Empty Room - Villain of the Story


  Coming home was harder then she thought it would be.

  Sure, Melissa had missed her adoptive family and her home over the long years she'd been away, but now everything just felt so... empty. Meaningless. Like everyone was just playing a part in some ridiculous play while outside their safe little lives, a war was being fought, and her comrades, all the people she'd left behind, were dying. And she was no longer around to die with them.

  All because of one stupid, near fatal mistake.

  Melissa dropped her gear onto the floor of her old room with a sigh. It wasn't really her room anymore, it was another girl's, but she was going to share with her for a few days. Melissa was actually grateful to be sharing a room. After nearly eight years in the army, and the previous decade spent jumping in and out of large foster families, the thought of an empty room scared her more then she thought possible. That, or she was just scared in general. 

  She flipped her dark auburn hair out of her face, dragging a shaking hand through it roughly and catching it on her ring. Her mother's old ring was a solid, familiar weight on her finger that she'd missed while she was away, but she hadn't wanted to risk losing it. She'd already lost enough. She lost everything and nothing at the same time. There was a gaping hollow in her chest like someone had shot her in the lungs, and honestly, they might as well have. It might be better than this gnawing ache slowly settling into her heart. She'd held it off for so long, but now her control was slipping.

  She knew she couldn't stay here for very long. Mrs. Hendrich didn't say it, but Melissa knew. The woman had made it her mission to use her wealth to save as many children as possible from the foster care system, and she needed all the room she could get. She was proud of her little returned soldier, but Melissa would have to go soon. That was okay, though. She'd saved some money, plus what she got from the army, which was substantial. She'd be alright. She'd just need a car. A car, then a job, then a place.

  Easy, right? 

  Not for the first time that day, she missed the simplicity of being in the army. 

  Sunstreaker was seething by the time the transmission ended. Him, babysit a human? What the pit had he done to earn that? He was a frontliner, a gladiator, the best of the best. Why was he being wasted on guarding some pathetic, useless human lifeform? He exvented angrily. 

  He didn't like humans. They were disgusting, greedy, weak little creatures. Their anatomy was strange and disgusting. He'd been horrified by what he'd read of their insides. His brother had taken to calling them squishies; Sunstreaker felt that was too kind a description of the repulsive little insects. More like walking-slag-pits. He'd far sooner step on one than protect it.

  Sideswipe snickered next to him, nudging his arm carefully, and he turned to glare at his twin. 

  "What's so funny?"

  "You," Sideswipe managed before breaking into a laughing fit. 

  Sunstreaker growled at him before pushing off the ground to stand. Why had Optimus chosen him to guard the human fleshbag? Why not his brother? Everyone knew that out of the two, Sideswipe was considerably less likely to kill his human charge, accidentally or otherwise. Why was Sunstreaker being forced to protect the human femme like some kind of lowly nursery guardian?

  "Because you painted a pink target on Ironhide's sleeping aft, bro. Told you he wouldn't forget that."

  Sunstreaker turned to glare at his brother again. "Stay outta my head, glitch."

  "Don't need to be in your head to hear your wheels grindin', bro. Come on, it could be fun!" Sideswipe smirked cheerfully, throwing a large clod of dirt at his brother's head. Sunstreaker threw his arm up to block it, and it exploded against his forearm with a loud, paint-scratching crack. "Uh oh."

  "THAT'S IT!" Sunstreaker roared, launching himself at his brother. 

  Sideswipe laughed and dodged him, throwing himself at the road and transforming into his alt mode. Sunstreaker followed without a second's thought. 

  Fine, he'd guard the human insect like Optimus commanded, but he wasn't going to be the only one suffering for it.

  He'd make sure they all paid for it in the end. 


  *I said it in the intro, but I'll restate it here. If you happened to have read my other story, Butterfly Farm, you'll notice how similar the introduction of the twins is in both. Sorry. This is pretty much the end of the similarities, promise. This is strictly Sunstreaker x OC, no Sideswipe. I just wrote this story first, then totally plagiarized from myself because I never thought I'd be able to post either one.
  Obviously, I was wrong.
  I loved this story, but it needs a bit of work. I'm slowly getting it updated. I've got a better idea of where it's going now, but it'll take time. Thank you for your patience.

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