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  Wow. So there's been a lot of interest in this story already, and I haven't even published the first word of it. I don't understand how, but it'd be rude to keep sitting on this. I hope it doesn't disappoint (but knowing me, it probably will).

  So, anyways, first things first. I don't own Transformers. Obviously.

  I don't have personal experience in the military. I'm going off of bits and pieces I've picked up from friends, family, and books. I have the highest respect for anyone who did serve, in whatever capacity that might be. If anyone has suggestions or corrections, I'm up for hearing them. I'm writing about this because it fascinates me, and if I can share a little something of my passion with all of you, it's worth it.

  I don't know what it's like to be in the foster system. I've said this in another story, too. I'm using it as a literary device, and it's what makes this girl who she is. I use it in a positive light in this story, so please, bear with my mistakes.

  Also, most important. I wrote this story in 2020. Three years may not seem like much, but in terms of writing, it's an eternity. I've got some editing to do before I can post what I've got. This story was mainly just for my own entertainment. It's the only story I've ever been able to just sit down and write a chapter at a time. I wrote it before I started writing Butterfly Farm, so there are a few significant similarities between the two, simply because I'd abandoned this one in favor of the other. The two stories do not exist in the same universe. If you happen to read both my works, please don't think they go together. I'm just a naturally very confusing person.

  As always, prepare yourself for my numerous and unhelpful song suggestions. I'm a hard rock girl. I'm definitely leaning more Linkin Park in this story. Sorry, not really sorry.

  Anyways, cheers! Updates may be slow. Please comment if you can. It just gives me this warm, fuzzy feeling inside that let's me know I haven't screwed up too badly this time 😁

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