Easier to Run - Linkin Park
Lost Within - Fivefold


  Optimus had made it very clear in the transmission that he wanted Sunstreaker to be the human femme's guardian, not Sideswipe. He also made it clear that neither he nor Bumblebee were allowed to show themselves to their charges until after the others arrived, unless absolutely necessary. But wasn't Sunstreaker's continued sanity considered a necessity? Because he wasn't sure how many more nights he could take being woken up by screaming. Why the pit was he the one stuck protecting this stupid fleshbag? 

  Three nights. He'd gone through three nights now being used as a berth by a sniveling, shrieking human femme. He was getting dangerously close to trying to murder the damned thing. He hadn't been able to get a decent recharge for a few cycles, now, and he desperately just needed to stretch. He could practically feel his knee joints rusting closed as he sat there, waiting. 

  What the pit was she always screaming about every night? Every time he made contact with her through the energy from his spark-- to get her to stop screaming, for his own sanity-- he was sucked in almost against his will by an overwhelming sense of desperation and fear. Aside from the parking lot incident and the night terrors, she rarely showed any indication of whatever was going on with her, even alone in his alt. Then when he'd reach out to her, what he could feel from her was almost palpable, like she was reliving something traumatic in her mind every night. He didn't understand. Was she always that miserable and she just wasn't showing it? 

  That thought was the only thing keeping him from responding too harshly to her later when he became frustrated and was tempted to prank or maim her. After all, she thought he was just a normal car. That revelation would probably be revenge enough for the stupid insect, given just how many times he'd had the misfortune to see her without clothes. 

  Humans were so stupid.

  She was driving down another disgusting dirt road again. It didn't seem like she had any real destination in mind, and it was irritating the slag out of him. As if it wasn't enough to keep him up all night, she had to keep him up during the day as well, and ruin his finish and paint job. At least she always cleaned the dust off him afterwords, but at the moment she kept messing with his radio. It made any kind of rest impossible. Was she purposefully driving over every pothole possible? 
  His comm link blipped, indicating Sideswipe was attempting to contact him. He opened the channel, for once grateful for the distraction. 

  《Hey, Sunny, what's up?》

  《Don't call me that.》

   《Woah, easy there, Sunshine. Just wanted to check in, see if you were still alive. Bee's found the boy.》

   《Took him long enough.》

   《Yeah, that's what I said. You can imagine his response.》

  Sunstreaker almost snorted at that. Yeah, he knew exactly what Bumblebee would say. This was just one more reason for why Sunstreaker knew he was the best. He'd barely been on Earth a cycle before he'd found his human.《Any word from the others yet? 》

   《Nothing. 'Bee said he'd try and make contact in a few cycles, after he's settled with the Witwicky boy. He's still the only one with a working long-range transmitter, unfortunately. I tried to fix mine, but I think it's going to have to wait. By the way, my scanners have picked up a few stray energon readings on my patrols through the city. They don't appear to be anywhere near you yet, but I don't know of any other autobots on this planet, so just be careful.》

  《Understood. Stay out of trouble.》

  《Who, me? Don't I always?》

  《Right, like--》

Fight to Forget (Sunstreaker x OC)Where stories live. Discover now