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Float - Red
Old Wounds ‐ Fight the Fade


  Sunstreaker was jolted out of an uneasy recharge by screaming. His processor scrambled wildly to understand what was going on and his instincts immediately told him it was Decepticons. He almost transformed into his bipedal mode right then and there before he realized the screaming was coming from inside his alt mode, and there were no Decepticons in sight. That realization was followed by the equally confusing observation that there was no one in sight. So why was the human fleshbag shrieking her annoying little helm off? He ground his gears angrily. Fragging organic.

  Begrudgingly, he took a quick scan of her vitals. Her heartrate was well beyond what was normal-- or even safe-- for a sleeping human, but apart from that he could sense nothing physically wrong with her. So that only left the question of her mental state. 

  Well, she did talk to herself. And him, her seemingly inanimate car. Obviously, her mental stability left a lot to be desired. 

  He still wasn't sure what to do, though. Her pulse seemed to be spiking higher with every second, and he couldn't handle the cries coming from his backseat for much longer. The screams were quickly turning into much quieter sobs, at least, but they were almost as hard to ignore as the screaming. His spark pulled to her for one insane moment before he growled and shook himself. She was a human. Their whole miserably short lives were sob stories. She was probably just dreaming about losing her hair or something equally stupid. No reason to feel sorry for her. No reason to care.

  "No! Fucking shoot me already, you fucking bastards, I won't--!" The little fleshbag screamed before seeming to erupt from his backseat, nearly hitting his roof with her tiny helm. He almost jumped in surprise. He watched, totally confused as the suddenly much calmer human sat upright on the backseat, huddling in on herself with her knees pulled to her chest and her arms around her legs. Her back shook as she began to cry again, nearly silent now, but the silence seemed somehow so much worse in the aftermath of her screaming. What the frag was going on? 

  He hesitated for a few moments. There was something deep inside him, buried under all his hatred of anyone but his brother and any species other than his own. It pushed its way to the forefront of his processor as something inside told him this wasn't normal. This wasn't how any species should act. He himself had come out of a recharge more than once feeling broken and ready to fight, and it had taken Sideswipe reaching out to him to force him out of his nightmare. Maybe he couldn't stand the little fleshy. Maybe he would rather step on it than talk to it, but right now, even he wasn't cold-sparked enough to ignore it's obvious pain. Besides, if he could get her to stop crying, maybe she'd go back to recharge sooner, and then he could too.

  Feeling like an idiot, Sunstreaker ground his gears once more before finally deciding on the best course of action. He'd heard rumors from some of the other bots on how they'd made contact with inarticulate species from other planets, vorns ago. They'd called it a spark-share, though he'd never paid it much attention before, beyond its potential use as blackmail against someone he wanted to prank. Now, he almost wished he'd actually tried listening to the conversation. Might've been a bit more helpful than fumbling through figuring this out on his own.

  On the upside, at least if he messed it up too badly, he could just kill the squishy and hide the evidence. That was always an option.

  After a bit of concentration, he was able to redirect the barest hint of energy from his spark, letting it course through the leather of his seat, gentler then he'd ever tried to be before. At first, he wasn't exactly sure if it was helping or not, but after what felt like vorns, he began to notice a difference. She'd stopped crying, at least. He wasn't exactly sure what it was doing to her, but he knew it was certainly effecting him. It felt almost like he could sense a small part of her emotions, like just barely being able to feel his brother from a galaxy away. He held on to the contact for longer than he'd meant to, surprised that it wasn't exactly an unpleasant sensation, despite the severity of the fear and a wild sense of desperation the girl radiated like an EM field. He could only hope he wasn't leaking too much of his own emotion through the contact, but he had more experience in keeping his emotions to himself, thanks to his idiot twin. 

Fight to Forget (Sunstreaker x OC)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ