147 6 6

Firefly - Breaking Benjamin
Panic Room - Disciple
Man vs. Animal - Nathan Wagner


Sunstreaker was locked in a never-ending state of disgust. First, he'd been forced to follow the human fleshbag early that morning until he figured out where she was going. When that realization hit, he'd had to scan the nearest junk car he found he could stand, sneak into the car lot, and allow the fleshy to run her disgusting little paws all over his alt. Now the nasty little organic was sitting in his interior, driving away from the car lot with less then impressive driving skills. And he had to let her.

《What's up, Sunny?》his brother asked innocently over their bond.

Sunstreaker snarled in response. 《Don't call me that.》

《Aw, don't be like that. By the way, that shade of rust brown looks great on you. Really does wonders for your aft.》

Sunstreaker was horrified. He scanned the surrounding streets for his brother before spotting a red Lamborghini Gallardo a few cars ahead of him. The bond between them crackled with his anger and humiliation, but he didn't bother to contain it. Sideswipe just laughed.

《Easy there, bro, I think you're scaring your human.》

Sunstreaker growled at him again before returning his attention to the fleshy in his interior, noting that she did indeed seem to be glitching out about something. He realized a moment later that he'd been revving his engine and speeding up, and that she was trying in vain to brake. He slowed down immediately, reluctantly allowing her to control his alt mode once again.

"Damn gremlins," she muttered, running a hand through her strangely-colored hair before hitting his steering wheel with her fist unnecessarily hard. "I'll bet this car is flood damaged. No fucking wonder that asshat didn't want to sell it. Fucking goes to show why you only buy a faxed vehicle, dumbass."

So, the human talks to herself. Wonderful, there was a psychotic fleshbag in control of him now. Just fragging great.

《You alright there, bro?》 Sideswipe asked, a little more hesitantly than before.

If Sunstreaker had been in his bipedal mode, he would have glared at his brother's aft as the mech slid neatly in front of him in traffic. 《I'm just fragging great, you slaghead. Frag off.》

《Alright, whatever. Contact me if you need any help.》

《Sure.》 Sunstreaker bit back a harsher retort. It wasn't really Sideswipe's fault he was stuck ferrying around a useless organic. He just wished his brother wouldn't find the whole thing so fragging funny.

He watched the red Lamborghini in front of him rev his much more impressive engines and peel off through traffic, running a red light before disappearing down a side street. Real fragging subtle, blockhead.

The voice of the human girl broke into his dark thoughts about stringing his brother up by his taillights. "What a fucking prick."

Sunstreaker reluctantly had to agree.

Melissa decided that her first stop would have to be somewhere she could buy seat covers, because her headrest was tugging incessantly at her long pony tail and it was driving her insane. After that she was going to find a good place to get a feel for driving the car, because it had been a few years since she'd really had to drive herself around and she was finding it more difficult then she remembered. She'd never really cared for driving anyways, but really, this was pathetic. She kept fighting the steering wheel and pedals to do what she wanted, though given the way it seemed to be acting up, it may really be the car that was the problem. It seemed they both needed a little time to get acquainted before she accidentally ran someone over, like that red Lamborghini that had just cut in front of her so abruptly. Fucking civilian.

Fight to Forget (Sunstreaker x OC)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu