A Bullet Meant For Me - Seventh Day Slumber
Killing me - State of Mine


* Image is not mine, it's just hilarious.*

** This scene is heavily based off the song Killing Me by State of Mine. Sunstreaker is such a flake, I swear. **

The fleshy hadn't come out of the building yet. She'd been in there for at least five kliks.

Sunstreaker didn't know why, but he had this creeping, stupid feeling he shouldn't leave her to herself in there. On Cybertron, bars weren't exactly a problem for femmes, but a few nanoseconds spent on the internet showed it was different on Earth.

Actually, he was pretty disgusted by what he'd seen. Disgusted enough to become just a little bit worried. Not worried about her, obviously. Just the artifact. What if she lost it by getting abducted or whatever?

So now what?

He could try and activate his holoform, the device Ratchet had made them install right before leaving Cybertron. It was supposed to help them blend in on any world, but he hadn't tried his yet. It seemed now would be a good chance to see how well it actually worked.

Or... he could drive away. She'd probably be in there for awhile. He could just leave, find some place to transform and stretch his legs. He could even call Sideswipe over to watch out for Decepticons. She'd be safe enough.

Not that he really cared about her safety. Just the artifact. The signal had moved into the building with her. He was nearly positive it was what Prime wanted. He couldn't let it fall to the 'cons.

But what if they weren't the only danger she might face in a place like this? He remembered what had happened before in that parking lot. Despite how well she'd handled herself in the moment, she'd become a pathetic mess after it was over. What if she couldn't protect herself this time? Would it affect his mission? Did it really matter if she was dead or alive, as long as he got what he wanted?

His main objective was to protect her from the Decepticons. Beyond that, he didn't care what happened to her.

Sunstreaker let his engines rev loudly in annoyance a few times, then finally gave in, reluctantly activating his holoform in the driver's seat of his alt. Everything was dark for a nanosecond until he onlined his optics again --no, eyes, they were definitely eyes, now-- and looked around in a mixture of fascination and disgust.

Everything was so much more... sensitive, now. Sharper. Humans had so many more nerves and pain receptors, it was incredible they stayed sane for so much of their lives. It was no wonder they died so soon. This was probably the strangest species he'd ever known.

So he was pretending to be a fleshbag, now. What more could Prime possibly expect from him?

He opened the door of his alt and stepped outside, glad now the human girl had parked him in the shade when the little sunlight he could see above the top of the building immediately blinded him. He took a moment to adjust before making his way around the dingy-looking building, and then through the beat wooden door.

When he stepped inside, the sheer level of noise assaulted his audio receptors--ears-- confusing and distracting him for a long, critical moment. A random human girl in a low cut shirt walked too close in front of him, flashing him a smile that must have been flirtatious. His processor said danger, but his eyes followed her for a far different reason.

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