Hopeless - Breaking Benjamin
One For the Money - Escape the Fate


  When Melissa finally finished with her car, she was soaked with soapy water and sweat, the wispy hairs that had escaped from her ponytail plastered to her forehead. She smacked at a stray bubble on her arm and gathered her things to put them in the garage. After that she reluctantly went back into the house, ignoring the questioning looks she got from some of the other kids and heading to her room to grab some clothes to go shower. 

  Once she got out she dressed in a fitted drab-green tshirt and bootcut jeans, strapping her leather sheath on her calf for the first time since she'd gotten off the plane in Nashville. She hadn't wanted to part with the damned thing for long, but it was somehow worse putting it back on. It wasn't offensive in itself, nor was the object it held. Just the memories that came with it. She'd been able to ignore the significance of it for two years now, but ever since she'd been told she was nominated to recieve the Medal of Honor, something about it made her almost sick with dread. She couldn't stand to part with it, but she hated having it with her. Somehow, it was like just by having it near her, she'd be forced to relive the whole damn nightmare all over again. Sentiment alone kept her attached to it. That, or sheer stupidity.

  Melissa grimaced at the closed leather pouch once more for good measure before pulling her boot on over it with a grunt. She exited the bathroom and walked back to her bedroom, packing up everything she owned, which wasn't much, into her twin duffel bags. She slung them easily over her shoulders and walked as fast as she could back out to her car, popping the trunk and throwing her stuff inside.

  Mrs. Hendrich was waiting for her by the side of the house when she closed the trunk, the woman's sad brown eyes pinning Melissa in place, much like they had all those years ago when she'd first showed up on her doorstep with only a backpack and a wish. That wish had been fulfilled by the woman, and this was how she was repaying her? By frightening her and the children she cared for? 

  Melissa couldn't bear to meet the woman's eyes, but she couldn't ignore her, either. She dragged her feet to stand in front of the slightly taller lady, still feeling like a small child around her, desperate for attention and forgiveness. Her adopted mother grabbed her chin gently and Melissa flinched at the contact, but allowed her to pull her chin up. 

  "I heard what happened, Melissa. It's alright. Jacob was a little spooked, but he's sorry he ran away."

  And that just made her feel so much worse. She didn't want the kid to feel bad about something that was clearly her fault. "I--"

  "No, hon, it's alright. We all just tend to forget that you just got home from a war. It's not fair to expect you to fall back in like nothing ever happened. It did happen, and that's okay. You're different now. You're more mature, and you're a better person for it." Mrs. Hendrich pulled her into a tight hug, tucking Melissa's head under her chin. Melissa choked on a sob, burrowing further into the much needed embrace. "You just take some time to yourself, Sweetheart, but don't go far, now, you hear? Stay on the property, come back when you need to, stick around for meals as often as you like. Don't think for one minute I'm pushing you out, honey, because I'm not. I just--"

  "Need to give others the same chance you gave me. I know, Ma'am. Don't worry about it." Melissa sniffed and pulled back from the hug, her heart feeling a little lighter then it had an hour ago. 

  She could do this. She was fine. She wouldn't stand in the way of another's future. That's why she'd joined the army in the first place. She'd nearly died to defend the futures of others.

  Mrs. Hendrich smiled at her gently, cupping Melissa's cheeks like she was a little girl again and pushing her long wet hair out of her face. "That's my girl." 

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