🦋𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑆𝑙𝑖𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑟🦋

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After Ella's extreme pursuit, she realized that not everything had changed back to what they were once before as she was left with one of her beautiful glass slippers so she came to realize. She continued to hold it in her hand gently and as she did she tilted her gaze to the night sky carrying the shining stars, she directed her gaze to the brightest one, closed her eyes, and quietly spoke while smiling "Oh thank you, thank you so much Fairy Godmother...for everything..." She kept it in her arms and continued to make her journey back home on foot as there was no other option available at this time, her home was not too far away either so it did not demand much of her as well for the rest of the evening. Still, it was no problem at all as she had just had the very night of her dreams, so many things had crossed her mind but she thought that it was best she reminisced the moments within the comfort of her room as she could only deal with one thing at a time, while she strode along the stone path with her animal friends the moon brightly illuminated it, shedding light on each and every gravel surface as Ella continued she could hear that all the mice were trying to tell her something, so she looked at them and quickly understood what they wanted, with Tilda squeaking the loudest as they all wanted to sit inside the shoe instead of walking on foot as they were so exhausted from undergoing all the energy-requisite events of the night and of course, Ella said yes without question. She apologized to them while quickly kneeling towards them bringing the slipper closer to their reach, "You'll find it's very comfortable," She told her friends with a small laugh, and one by one they all crawled in and relaxed for the rest of the expedition. Soon just as they finally reached the house borders it started to rain heavily, Ella looked up and laughed again for this was the perfect way to end their night off, from behind her Mr Goose quickly became relieved and flew over the wall and found some shelter as it was quite cold but further behind still in the near distance they heard the sound of a horse's neigh paired with the sound of tumultuous arguing with each could only mean one thing. Her family was quite close, from within their carriage, one could see just how fed up Lady Tremaine was with her daughters as they had gotten on her very last nerve for the night and she could not bear returning home with the both of them as they failed her. Nonetheless, Ella soon hurried her steps quite briskly and ran to the house door, she got to the front porch, swiftly opened the door, and closed it behind herself, she urged her friends to leave the shoe and make their way upstairs to their room as she would meet them back up there in a moment, she then ran to one of the neighbouring rooms and went towards the fireplace, as she did so she kneeled and dug out a little hole within the ashes but she soon pushed quite a bit of it due to not having a moment to spare, much was pushed aside and as the front doors had just opened and Drizella had entered the house singing her stepsister's new name "Cinderella..." she said very joyfully, this made Ella very nervous and as a result, her heart began beating heavily but before they could see her she then placed her glass slipper in the dug up hole and then covered it in the dark ashes so that she could quickly hide her slipper from her family, Ella quickled wiped her hands on her damaged dress and acted as if nothing had happened. Once she heard the footsteps of Anastasia and Drizella she immediately stood up, turned around, and smiled. "Cinderella! Wake up lazy bones, tea, and a plate of biscuits!" Drizella said while excitedly walking into the kitchen, Ella entered the room a short moment later, greeted them happily and smiled, she tried to act as neutral as she possibly could. "You look cheerful? And wet!" Her stepsisters said while nearing her, she told them both as they pulled out the chairs and sat down at the table that she took a walk in the rain to cheer herself up but this was however not anywhere near to the matter at all, they called her typical before she walked off to the other side of the room to start preparing their food and drinks.

"Dear sister, I must share with you. We did not communicate through mere words. Our souls met...my soul and the prince's soul..." Drizella said as if one were talking about the best moments to occur in the entirety of their life. While her stepsister was enlightening her, Ella was walking around the kitchen opening many cupboards and gathering little pieces of cutlery for her family to use. Momentarily after she came back to the table with a hot porcelain teapot and cups set on a large tray with plates of butter biscuits too. As she spoke her mother entered the room with a tired look in her eyes, she came trudging towards the table in a drained measured state. Lady Tremaine looked beyond fatigued, almost as if she did not want to be returning home in the first place. "Your soul was over by the banquet tables," Anastasia said with great wit as she poured herself a cup of tea and helped herself to some fresh buttered treats. "You didn't see him dance with me," Drizella said to the room proudly, "Dance with you? He didn't even speak with you." Said Lady Tremaine as she would not tolerate anything false regarding the prince's attention which she was hoping her daughters would have attained. As their mother sat herself down at the opposite side of the table from Ella, Anastasia assured her that it wasn't their fault as it was "that girl" so they said, "The mystery princess" Drizella said in an annoyed voice, "Mystery princess?" Ella said in a surprised tone and how it was ever such a "charming notion" she added as she got up from her seat taking the teapot to empty its contents into the sink. "She was no princess!" Lady Tremaine said frustratingly, "She was a preening interloper who made a spectacle of herself!" She added on horribly, Ella immediately gasped loudly and turned to her stepmother's direction and gently smiled once more was stated but she did it in a very minimalist way to not raise any suspicion about herself and as well as a means to act as if they were all collectively in the same viewpoint. Lady Tremaine looked at Ella and continued her story; "A vulgar, young hussy marched into the ball, unaccompanied if you will, and to the horror of everyone she threw herself at the prince." She articulated with an annoyed tone, Anastasia added on saying that she couldn't believe the prince danced with the "unattractive thing", as they spoke Ella stood by the sink and unintentionally gently swayed her hips around as she was reminiscing the waltz with Kit, she was unaware of her stepmother heavily focusing on her and staring at her back. As her stepsisters continuously rambled about the so-called mysterious maiden she couldn't help but giggle at the stories they made up to make themselves feel better for she knew every bit of the truth. "I pity the prince, such bad taste...", "They belong with each other." Drizella and Anastasia said while eating biscuits, Lady Tremaine said to her girls that it was no matter at all as the royal ball was in fact a mere diversion..."The prince is not free to marry for love you see, he's promised to the Princess Chelina of Zaragosa, the Grand Duke told me himself." As Ella heard these words she slowly turned around and looked at her stepmother with great devastation, still, she could not say anything regarding the topic because immediate scepticism would arise soon after. Anastasia said that it was quite oh so very unfair, her mother agreed and added on saying that it was the way of the world with a devious voice.

As soon as the quietness of the room became prominent Lady Tremaine decided that it was time for her daughters to get to bed as they had quite the adventure that day, as soon as the three of them left the back kitchen to walk towards the main stairs Ella tidied up the space and cleaned the dishes and pushed in the chairs, collected the napkins and patiently waited for a moment more for their steps to fade away completely so that she could hurry back to the fireplace and then to the attic. For she knew exactly where to place her slipper and she knew exactly what to do afterwards. As her family's steps died down she rushed over to the hearth to retrieve Fairy Godmother's gift to her...

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