🦋𝐿𝑎 𝑃𝑜𝑙𝑘𝑎 𝐷𝑒 𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑠🦋

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Meanwhile, back at the ballroom the townspeople and the nobility had continued to dance vigorously, this time they had been doing the Paris polka. The Captain and Grand Duke had come storming in asking the usher if he perhaps knew who the girl was, he responded that he did not know at all since she had come with no name and no escort. "Well, I was out of breath on account of introducing Princess Blodwyn of-" the usher said while stuttering as he began to say random letters since he was very exhausted and couldn't pronounce the Princesse's name anymore, his voice was truly exercised greatly nevertheless The Grand Duke urged him to be quiet that very instant. The usher then made his way to all the name cards from the evening and asked some of the other staff members to read out the names so that they could try to figure out who the mysterious girl possibly was. "No! Not her!" He said as he was handed a card and after the next few ones were repeated he threw some of them on the floor due to being ever so immensely frustrated.

Shortly after this while mostly everyone had been waltzing in the ballroom, Kit and Ella had decided that they would like to go on for a lovely stroll around the palace grounds, they exited through one of the back main doors and down they went on the path surrounded by freshly trimmed hedges, leading them further and further away from the crowds.

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