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As Ella continued to cry her heart out and shed many tears, after some time had passed just in the near distance she heard the sound of someone's voice, whoever this person was sounded like an elderly woman with a sort of parched voice, however regardless of this the stranger was situated close by. "Excuse me..." The unfamiliar voice said to Ella, which startled her slightly and made her gasp loudly. Before Ella replied to her she glanced at this woman's profile and attire and it seemed that she was dressed in a dark golden-brown gown, which had almost borne a resemblance to timber in a way, the elderly stranger also wore a large hood which rested over her head but still allowed Ella to see her features, such as her grey eyebrows, slight forehead and smile wrinkles, kind resting eyes which sort of hollowed inward around the rim of her dome. This woman's hood was also the same colour as her gown, it was quite large as it covered her shoulder-to-head region entirely. In her left hand, she held some object, it was an elongated brown glossy staff which she retained since it assisted her in pacing herself, it appeared so. She had politely asked Ella for help since she was wondering if she could spare her just a little crust of bread or better if it were perhaps a cup of milk, "Yes...yes...I think I can find something for you." Ella said responding in a soft voice, almost sounding like a whisper as her throat had swelled up from all the constant lament. She quickly gathered herself and made her way to the terracotta pots as this was where they stored their milk and she used a bronze ladle to pour it into a bronze bowl for the stranger. As Ella opened the lid to collect some milk into the cup the lady spoke to her in a sort of concerned way, "Why are you crying?" She asked, Ella responded with a quick miniature smile saying that it was nothing at all. "Nothing? Nothing, what is a bowl of milk? Nothing, but kindness makes it everything," said the woman while Ella handed her the pot of milk and just after she was given it the woman raised it in the air after she ended her statement as if she was making a toast, she then brought it to her mouth and drank it quite briskly as she was very parched. While doing so, some milk streamed out from the right side of her face and she spilt some of the milk onto her dress, she could feel the sensation of it seeping through the fabrics of her gown as well as the impact of the stream knocking the seams but she did not bear any thought to it. After she swallowed the last bit she instantly gasped for air as one does when drinking too fast and subsequently she belched loudly, "Oh my, pardon me," she said with wit, Ella laughed lightly because it just seemed to amuse her negligibly and so it lit up her spirits.

"Now...I don't mean to hurry you, but you really haven't got long Ella..." said the lady, Ella was very confused as to how this lady knew her name so she asked her who she perhaps was, "Who am I? I should think you'd have worked that one out," said the stranger, Ella just stared at her in confusion as she still had no idea at all who she could have possibly been. "I'm your hairy dog father. I mean! Fairy Godmother!" Said the woman with a Duchenne smile, Ella stated that she couldn't be and the woman asked why could she not in a voice that almost sounded as if she was slightly offended. Ella responded by saying that they didn't exist and that they were just made up for children in a sure voice, and she couldn't have been ever more mistaken. "Didn't your own mother believe in them? Don't say no, because I heard her..." said "Fairy Godmother", while hinting that she knew Ella and her mother believed in them in times past, "You, heard her?" Ella said in disbelief as she wondered how that was even possible, "Fiddle-faddle, fiddle-faddle. Right! First things first, let me slip into something more comfortable..." Said the woman as she got up vigorously, she walked slowly towards the centre of the garden and as she was doing so the top part of her staff began to light up leaving a bright pastel blue contrail in its path, she tossed her staff up high towards the dark sky to the height of at least two tall trees high. As it spun it swivelled around itself, and as the staff rotated gradually faster and faster sounds of ringing could be heard from all the way down below by Ella as it echoed through the space. As it completed a full turn the long wooden staff slowly shrunk, got slimmer, switched materials and soon it had transitioned to a gorgeous wand, it was adorned with an almost ice swirl look to it, and the wand now had a beautiful silver handle imprinted with the shape of leaves which had a strip of ice running from the bottom of the wand's handle to the shaft and to its very tip. Ella gasped in amazement as what was once a large glossy dark staff had now changed into a beautiful metallic wand made of silver and ice. Not after long the wand then fell back down from the sky to the Fairy Godmother's right hand, and in one quick motion a bright blue field surrounded the old woman, she had now altered as well, she now appeared to be a youthful blooming beautiful woman with a clear smooth face with the skin of a newly born young one. Her staff and herself weren't the only things to have changed, her dress did too, it was now a beautiful periwinkle colour blue with a thin white ruff around her neck, and the gown bodice was embroidered with small white crystals as well. She also wore a petite pair of eye-catching blue wings, and as she had finished transitioning she moved her neck in a circular motion so that she could crack her neck joints to be fully ready for the task that was on hand, which was getting Ella ready for the ball. "Nothing, my dear? Oh, now you don't really mean that. Nonsense child, if you'd lost all your faith, I couldn't be here. And here I am," Fairy Godmother expressed with a cheeringly inspired attitude while nearing Ella to hold her hands, "Oh, come now. Dry those tears...the angels above have wept plenty by merely observing, you've come way too far to halt your steps here. You can't go to the ball looking like that," she added supportingly while wiping away the tears with her hands. "But we have to hurry because even miracles take a little time..." Fairy Godmother expressed before starting the immense process.

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