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And before she knew it, Ella had passed the palace gates and soldiers, as her horses trotted onward her carriage wheels spun and spun with each turn bringing her closer and closer to the ball and to her friend above all. She made her way around the fountain which was right opposite the main steps. And as she neared it she smiled out of happiness for she'd be seeing a familiar quite soon.

Meanwhile, back inside the palace walls, Grand Duke had presented the Princess Chelina of Zaragosa to Kit and his father personally. As they had become acquainted with one another she spoke to the prince saying with a polite smile that he was indeed as handsome as his picture depicted and that his "little kingdom" was ever so enchanting, although she might not have meant any ill intent in saying those words, Kit reacted that he hopes that the future princess would not one day find his kingdom too confining as opposed to her own liking as there would be much more important matters which would require the royalty's utmost attention. As Ella's carriage came to its final temporary stop, both Mr Lizards had left their posts to open the doors for Ella so that they may see her off. "Miss Ella..." said one Mr Lizard as he held his hand out to her while she exited out the carriage down its steps. Her ball gown dragged behind her effortlessly as she did so, to anyone it might have seemed similar to how any silk material would glide on any sort of surface. She stood still for a short moment staring at the huge flight of stairs standing ahead of her as she was rather nervous. She called out to Mr Lizard saying that she was so very frightened, "I'm only a girl, not a princess..." she said with a shaken voice, "and I'm only a Lizard, not a footman..." he responded trying to be as supporting as he could to help lift her spirits, she laughed lightly and felt much better. He advised her to enjoy it while it lasted, Ella looked into his lime green eyes as a way of saying she agreed, that she would take this chance and that she did, she took a large breath in and slowly but surely began climbing the large flight.

After perhaps five and a half minutes of walking, she eventually reached the palace entrance, she took a deep breath in and made her way through the large corridor passing many of the guards while doing so, concurrently, the king's court had begun to welcome his townspeople, his noble guests and as well as anyone else present. While he spoke aloud, Ella had reached the end of the long corridor and she had seen that it was quite empty so she sped up her steps up ever so slightly and just followed the sound of the announcer's voice. It got louder and louder gradually with each step, "Your Majesty, Your Royal Highness, my lords, ladies and gentlemen, distinguished visitors and people of our land, the prince shall now choose his partner for the first dance. Let our ball commence!" the usher shouted, as he ended off the people in his audience applauded but soon all their attention had lied elsewhere. Ella stood directly in front of the door while still closed, she took a deep breath in and lightly knocked on it in quick rhythms of three a few times, soon the doors were opened from the inside and so she entered the ballroom.

There were so many people she thought and how beautiful everyone was dressed, she made her way to the balcony ahead of her and looked below, she had thought once again that there were just so many faces and paired with the way they had all stared made her ever so anxious. Something Ella could not perceive was just how many people were gazing upon her in that moment, maybe she might have thought it was three hundred people but in verity, it was well over five hundred others in the ballroom in total. Their voices had all died down as their focus shifted to Ella, she smiled politely and walked towards her right to descend the stairs and as she was doing so Kit along with his gathering had watched her do so from the upper balcony across the room, he excused himself quickly from the Princess Chelina and hurried to the mysterious girl as he had recognized her kind face instantly. Ella reached the third last level of stairs and presented herself along with a curtsy, while doing so her dress softly folded into itself until she rose again, as she was making her final descent down the stairs she held a pinch of the skirt of her dress in her left hand and continued walking elegantly. She was making her way towards the rest of the guests, when she noticed she had a good view of the room all around her which she could see was filled with many beautiful chandeliers, paintings, mounted candles, carpets and many more all around...

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