(Y/N): I won't let you kill any of my friends!

He got into a fighting stance.

Yugen: Taijutsu, eh? That's useless against me.

(Y/N) leapt at her. She easily dodged him before grabbing his head and ramming it into the ground.

(Y/N) coughed up blood as he spasmed in pain from his eye.

Yugen stood up and wiped her hands off on her cloak. She turned to look at Sai.

Yugen: Now where were we?

Furuse: Mistress—!

(Y/N) punched Yugen in the face hard. The woman stumbled backwards a bit.

She gripped her chin, still smiling. (Y/N) charged at her again.

She easily avoided all of his punches and kicks.

Yugen: Fine. I'll indulge you since you seem to have no qualms with getting hurt. I have no hesitation to beat you within half an inch of your life. You'll recover eventually.

She grabbed both of (Y/N)'s hands and flipped him over, slamming him into the dirt.

She stomped on his stomach. (Y/N) cried out in pain and coughed up more blood.

Naruto: (Y/N), no!!!

(Y/N) frappes Yugen's arms and pulled her down, head butting her.

As she reeled back from the impact, (Y/N) shot up and attempted to kick her.

Yugen grabbed his foot and jumped in the air, pulling him along with her.

Naruto got restless as he tried to pry Furuse off of him. Tengan and Ogino looked at him, both smirking.

Tengan: Heh. It's futile to even fight the Mistress. She's in a completely different league.

Ogino: She's not even using any of her really kickass Ninjutsu.

Naruto growled as (Y/N) and Yugen both stared at each other.

(Y/N): <thinking> I got a little bit of chakra back... I can use my Copy Jutsu at least...

He made a hand seal and closed his eyes.

(Y/N): Earth Style: Stone Pistol!

Nothing happened. His eyes widened.

Yugen: The needle I gave you seals away all of the powers granted to you by the cells I put in you. That includes byproducts like the Copy Jutsu.

(Y/N): Wh-What?! N-No...

He immediately thought of Chiyo's Jutsu. That meant that he couldn't use it...

(Y/N): You bastard!! I need that jutsu!!

Yugen: You don't need anything, you brat. Besides, you have a Sharingan now. The Copy Jutsu became redundant after I gave you that.

Yugen charged forward, punching (Y/N) in the stomach. He grunted and stumbled back.

(Y/N) panted heavily. He was bleeding pretty badly. Still, he glared at Yugen, who looked like she hadn't broken a sweat.

Yugen: Are we done yet? You know what, this is taking too long. Horikiri, kill the boy.

Horikiri: With pleasure, Mistress!

Suddenly, something came running towards Horikiri, punching her in the face.

Sakura: Cha!!!

Horikiri flew back into the ground, letting go of Sai in the process.

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