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Tessa's P.O.V.

Today I'm going to another party with Luke. I really hope I get to meet new people because, right now, I only have Luke.

Lucas Robert Hemmings, a famous lead singer of the band 5 Seconds Of Summer, they've come so far. I'm glad I could see them grow.

I decide to wear something cute, yet simple. I choose some flowy black and white printed long pants with a black crop top.

I grab my phone and head downstairs. It's 5:37pm and Lukes picking me up at 6pm. I go sit on the couch and open the Twitter app in my phone. I scroll through my feed favoriting some tweets and retweeting others.

I hear a knock on my door, I get up and answer it. When I open the door Luke was standing there smiling. I smile back. I reached and hugged him, getting in my tipy toes. He hugged me back with a tight grip. We let go of each other.

"Shall we go?" He asked in an awful British accent, he had his hand in front of me, waiting for me to take it. I giggled a bit.
"We shall" I said and put my hand on his. He grabbed it and led me to the car.

He opened the door for me and when I got in, he closed it. He went to the other side of the car and opened the drivers seat door, he got in and closed the door.

"You're being a gentleman today" I say smiling. He smiles in response. The whole car ride consisted of us singing along to songs and dancing crazily.

We got to the place the party was. There were lots of colored lights and music blasting. People grinding on each other, dirty dancing, people taking shots, some people smoking, some in the bathroom puking and some were making out with other people. I instantly hated the place, I don't drink, I don't enjoy guys all over me and I'm a virgin. The only thing other than that is making out, but I don't have someone to make out with.

Right when we entered I lost Luke. Great. I sigh and go to find him. I walk through some people dancing and some others eating off each others faces. I still don't see him. He's a giant Tessa, you have to find him. I bump into someone.

"Watch where you're going" Luke says. "Oh. Hi Tess" he said, realizing it was me.

"Hi Lucas" I say. I can tell he's a little tipsy already. "Wow Luke, you're already drunk?!" I say disappointed.

"I'm not drunk! I'm just bubbly" he says smiling. I laugh at him, it's funny seeing him like this.

"Well, you're a little too bubbly mate" I laugh.

"Whatever looser" he says.

I'm used to this. He gets drunk and I have to bring him home. I'm starting to think the only reason he brings me to parties is so I drive him home.

I had nothing to do until about 10 or 11pm and its 8:45pm. I sit on the couch and get my phone out. I go on Twitter to kill time. After a while it was 10pm. I went to see what Luke was up to. I found him talking to some of his friends.

"Hey" I say to them. "Hi" one of him says and smiles, the others just smile. I go to Luke,

"Luke, when are we leaving?" I ask him.

"I never wanna leave!" He says, okay now he's really drunk.

"Hey um, mind if we leave?" I ask his friends.

"No, it's okay" a guy says, John I think is his name.

"Thanks" I say smiling. I drag him through the crowd of people and go to his car.

"Give me the keys" i order him. He does what I say and i open the car. I get him into his seat and buckle his seatbelt. I go to the drivers seat and start the car engine.

"You know that none of my friends like you right?" Luke blurts out.

"What?" I say confused.

"They only hang out with you because you're hot" he says.

I ignore him since he's drunk. I drive to my house, I wasn't gonna let him home alone. I get into the garage and lead him inside. I let him sleep on the bed and I go and and lay in the couch. I try to sleep but all I can think of is what Luke said, maybe he was right. A drunk mouth speaks a sober heart. I eventually drift to sleep thinking about that.


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