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|warning: extremely short chapter coming|

Tessa's P.O.V.

Before we entered Starbucks, Mikey put me down on the floor. We got to the counter, where they take our orders. I ordered a s'mores frap and Mikey got a vanilla bean frap.

"Names?" The lady askes.

"Beyoncé" I answered and she rolled her eyes smiling.

"Dwayne Johnson" Mikey said which cause me to laugh.

She smiled at us and we waited for our drinks.

"Beyoncé and Dwayne?"

I laughed and walked over, grabbing my drink and Mikey grabbing his.

We sat in a table for two and started to drink our fraps.

"Can I try yours?" He asked. I nodded and handed him mine, he grabbed it and took a sip.

"Oh my god it's delicious!" He said and I giggled.

Silence formed.

"Tell me about what happened, I never really knew exactly what happened" Michael asked, causing me to drop the smile on my face.

"I went upstairs to look for the bathroom and I opened a bedroom by accident and there he was. Fücking another girl."

"Luke's a díck" he muttered but i heard, causing me to smile.


"Tessa" he mocked.

"You're cute"

"Look in a mirror, princess"
I blushed at me comment. He makes me feel like I didn't deserve what Luke did, which I probably did. I'm a fück up and everything I do turns out horribly. But I can't help the words repeating over and over in my head.

I think I like him.

(a/n): sorry for the short chapter, I didn't have enough time!

stuck in the middle | muke triangleDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora