Chapter Eight

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Following Clara's advice, we decide to go to Marie's to try to get some clarity. Which leads us to where we are now. Standing outside, a few feet away from Clara's house. Adam knows a way we can get to Marie's through the woods. So we'll be able to run in the daylight without humans noticing.

"Ready?" He asks me and I take a deep breath. He takes my hand and gives me a reassuring look. "Hey, whatever happens, I'll be with you until forever ends," He tells me. I pull him into a hug. I just need his arms around me right now. When I am in his arms, I feel the most at peace. After what happened two years ago, I have always been waiting for the next shoe to drop. By the way, everything is playing out so far. This is the shoe. He places his hand under my chin and tilts my head up. He then gives me a firm kiss that makes my insides melt and my mind stops racing. It is exactly what I need.

"I love you," I tell him when we both finally pull away.

"I love you too, my love," He replies, wrapping his arms around tightly and then letting me go. "Are you ready?" He asks and I nod. With that, we start running.

The run to Marie's Cottage is longer than I thought. However, I am thankful for my hybrid speed because it makes me incredibly fast, even faster than Adam, who has centuries on me. I have had to stop multiple times for him to catch up because I don't know where I'm going.

"Slow down would you," He says once we stop once more. I can tell that he's joking, so I can't help but laugh.

"How much further?" I ask.

"Keep going straight until you see a patch of apple trees then hang a right," He says "You'll see it, it'll look out of place because there is a spell on the cottage to make sure the humans don't see it," He explains and I nod

"Race you," I say with a grin and continue running.

I follow his directions, and eventually I see the cottage. I can help but gasp at the sight of it. It almost looks like it is part of the woods itself. The trees and plants have it cradled in their grasps and you can feel the magic coming off it in peaceful waves. At this point, while confusing and somewhat alarming. Being able to feel magic isn't that bad.

"Hello Megan," Marie says, startling me out of my thought. She smiles softly at me. "My apologies dear, didn't mean to startle you,"

"Your place it's beautiful," I say, and she smiles once more.

"It's been in my family for centuries," She tells me "That's how Adam I met actually, he and Rose has known my family for generations starting with my great-great-great grandmother," She explains "This used to be her cottage," As if he knew we were talking about him Adam speeds through the forest and stops beside me.

"I win," I say cheekily, and he laughs and playfully rolls his eyes. Marie then invites us inside, reminding us to take off our shoes. Adam and I walk into the living room and suddenly I feel a tug on the bottom of my shirt. I turn and see a young girl that looks about 6-years-old.

"Hello," she says softly and I bend down to her level.

"Hello," I say "I'm Megan. What's your name?" I ask her.

"Belle, like the princess," she says happily and I can't help but smile. She is the spitting image of Marie, and based on what I'm feeling, she is a witch as well.

"Is it true that you're both a vampire and a werewolf?" She asks and I nod. She smiles and begins to ask me questions at rapid speed.

"Belle, let our guests settle before you start asking questions, darling," Chante says as he is coming towards us.

"Sorry Papa," she says. "Sorry Madame Megan," she tells me and I give her a reassuring smile.

"It's alright you can ask me all the questions you want," I say "And you can call me Megan sweetie,"

Chante tells her she can go play after ruffling her hair playfully. She says bye and then runs off, a black cat following behind her.

"Sorry about that, she's a curious child but Marie and I love that about her," He tells me

"I don't mind, I love kids," I tell him. Marie invites us to a back room saying that Clara called ahead, but she was vague with the details. We follow her to the room and she invites us to sit on the couches as she closes the door.

"So, what seems to be the problem?" She asks me. I go on to explain my dreams and how I am now able to sense and feel magic. When I finish, there is a look of recognition and understanding in her eyes. "The dreams that you are describing is a story all witches are told." She starts getting up to get an old book from the bookshelf. "It's known as the legend of the tomb," she says, opening the book after sitting down. With that, she starts reading.

"Thousands of years ago when witches and worlocks were created, there were six bloodlines," she starts. "There were three witches and three worlocks and each bloodline had access to one type of magic,"

"Like my dream," I say and she nods

"The six witches and worlocks found a stone that held the most powerful magic known to date and they feared that if the wrong person got that power then the world as they knew it could seize to exist," She explains "So the six of them got together to preform a spell that sealed the stone and it's magic away in a tomb using their blood," She says "To this day no one knows where the stone is and how to unlock it," She adds after closing the book.

"Wow," Adam says, and that's when I realize he is holding my hand.

"But what does that have to do with me?" I ask her.

"To be honest, I don't know," she says "But what I want you to do is to go feed because you look like you haven't done that in a while and do something to relax," she tells me

"I'm going to take her around the city, show her everything that France has to offer," Adam tells her

"Good," Marie says with a smile as she opens a small fridge. The sweet smell of human blood fills my nose, and that's when I realize that I don't feel the urge for Marie's blood. She hands me a blood bag and I look at her, surprised.

"I keep them around for Clara and Chante," she explains. "That's to keep you tied over until nightfall. I hear you have an excellent control of your blood lust. That's why I only gave you one," she says. She also gives Adam a few blood bags.

After Adam and I finish our blood, she shows us out. But not before saying hello to Mya, Melanie and Lauren and meeting Annie and Giselle. They're twins and they have brown hair, blue eyes and pale skin. Before we leave, I pull Lauren to the side to tell her what's happening.

"Hey, what's going on?" She asks

I explain everything to her, from the dreams to everything Marie has just told us. By the end, my hands are shaking and Lauren takes them in hers.

"Everything is going to be okay." She says "Go out with Adam and enjoy, try to worry," She gives me a hug and I take a deep breath to calm myself. Eventually, after saying goodbye, I walk towards the front door.

"Enjoy sightseeing," Marie tells us as we're putting on our shoes

"Thank you Marie," I say, giving her a gentle hug

"No need to thank me, dear," she tells me. "Now try not to worry, alright. I promise I will not rest until I find you an answer," she says strongly. With that, we leave and I follow Adam as he plans to give me a tour of the city. But even though Marie told me not to worry, there is a voice in the back that says otherwise.

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